================= Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 00:21:31 +0000 (UTC) To: biggies@aol.com, rlabs1@yahoo.com, taylor schock , Subject: Newer Cardboard Arrives - Cyber Mondy Edition From: talbot1@comcast.net Hello All, With Thanksgiving just behind us here we go again with another round of tha= nks to the fellas from this group that make it so much fun to go to the mai= lbox. Thanks to: Bob Bannon sends me a 2011 Panini Gridiron Gear Rookie card of Fullback pro= spect Shane Bannon suited up as a Kansas City Chief. How cool is that!!! Richard Labs makes a quick connection by sending me a deck of cards. That= =E2=80=99s right (52) cards from the 2010 Topps A&G set make there way from= that southwestern town of El Paso. I especially like the non baseball entr= ies like =E2=80=9CFree Climb=E2=80=9D Expert Hans Florine, Marathon Champio= n Meb Keflezighi, Kayaker Tyler Bradt, Pop Singer Jordin Sparks, Sacagawea = and The Parthenon. Thanks a lot Richard!!! Taylor Schock slips me a short stack of (18) TIGER cards from different mak= ers and years. All TIGER cards are appreciated and this group that include = Lou Whitaker, Alan Trammell, Cecil Fielder, Jack Morris and Tony Clark amon= g others are very cool =E2=80=93 Thanks Taylor!!! Finally, Wes Sheppard for a ticket to TIGER Stadium for a game with the Red= Sox just 3 days before my 34 th birthday (1989) =E2=80=93 might have been = a nice present at the time. It=E2=80=99s a great addition to the collect no= w =E2=80=93 Thanks Wes!!! Well yesterday I got some packages together but could not get to the Post O= ffice today =E2=80=93 hope to do that tomorrow. BE WELL!!! BE WELL!!! REGARDS ---------------------- MARK ================= Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 21:19:59 -0500 To: "uvlist@yahoogroups.com" Subject: thanks to..... From: Joel Freedman Ed Pike for a complete 1984-85 Topps Hockey Set. Thanks Ed! Joel ================= Date: 01 Dec 2014 19:47:19 -0800 To: Subject: HELP! I have a gremlin! From: uthminsta@hotmail.com SSBET04nVCBIQVZFIDE5ODIgVE9QUFMgQ0FSRCAxNDUgLSBCT0IgSE9STkVSISEhISENCkkg d2FzIGdvaW5nIHRocm91Z2ggYWxsIG15IDE5ODIgVG9wcHMgY2FyZHMgaW4gb3JkZXIgdG8g bWFrZSBzdXJlIHRoZSBzZXQgd2FzIHNhZmUgYW5kIHNvdW5kIGJlZm9yZSBJIHB1dCBhbnl0 aGluZyBpbiB0aGUgZHVwZXMgYm94Li4uIHlvdSBrbm93LCBzaW5jZSB0aGUgZHVwZXMgYm94 IGlzIGFjdHVhbGx5IHNlZWluZyBhY3Rpb24gbGF0ZWx5LiBTbyBhbnl3YXksIGFmdGVyIHZl cmlmeWluZyBldmVyeXRoaW5nLCBJIGNhbWUgZG93biB0byAyIGNhcmRzLCBhbmQgZm91bmQg dGhlIG90aGVyIHdpdGhpbiBhIGZldyBtaW51dGVzLiBUaGVuIEkgcHJvY2VlZGVkIHRvIHNl YXJjaCBmb3IgdGhlIG5leHQgaG91ci4gVGhlbiBmb3IgYSB3aGlsZSB0aGUgbmV4dCBuaWdo dC4gVGhlbiB0aGUgbmV4dC4NCkFueXdheSwgZG9lcyBhbnlvbmUgaGF2ZSBvbmUgb2YgdGhp cyBndXk/IEZvciByZWFkaW5nIHRoaXMgZmFyLCBJIHdpbGwgZ2l2ZSB5b3Ugc29tZSBCb2Ig SG9ybmVyIHRyaXZpYS4gOikNCjEuIEFmdGVyIHNldmVyYWwgeWVhcnMgd2l0aCB0aGUgQnJh dmVzLCBoZSBwbGF5ZWQgYSB5ZWFyIGluIEphcGFuIGluIDE5ODcsIGZvciB0aGUgWWFrdWx0 IFN3YWxsb3dzLiBIZSBjYW1lIGJhY2sgYW5kIHBsYXllZCBoYWxmIGEgc2Vhc29uIHdpdGgg dGhlIENhcmRpbmFscyBpbiAxOTg4IGFuZCB3YXMgZG9uZSBiZWNhdXNlIG9mIGFuIGluanVy eSB0byBoaXMgc2hvdWxkZXIuIEhlIGRlY2lkZWQgdG8gcGxheSBpbiBKYXBhbiBiZWNhdXNl IHRoZSBvd25lcnMgd2VyZSBjb2xsdWRpbmcgKGEgd29yZCBJIGRvbid0IHVzZSkgdG8ga2Vl cCBzYWxhcmllcyBkb3duIGFuZCBubyBvbmUgd291bGQgb2ZmZXIgaGltIHdoYXQgaGUgd2Fz IHJlYWxseSB3b3J0aC4NCjIuIEhlIGlzIG9uZSBvZiBvbmx5IDE1IHBsYXllcnMgdG8gaGl0 IDRIUiBpbiBvbmUgZ2FtZS4gQnV0IGhlIGFsc28gY29tcGxldGVkIGEgInNldDoiIHRoZSBC cmF2ZXMgaGF2ZSBhIHBsYXllciBmcm9tIGVhY2ggb2YgdGhlaXIgMyBjaXRpZXMgKEJvYmJ5 IExvd2UgZm9yIEJvc3RvbiwgSm9lIEFkY29jayBmb3IgTWlsd2F1a2VlLCBCb2IgZm9yIEF0 bGFudGEpIHRvIGhhdmUgaGl0IDRIUiBpbiBhIGdhbWUuDQozLiBIZSBuZXZlciBwbGF5ZWQg aW4gdGhlIG1pbm9yIGxlYWd1ZXMgYmVmb3JlIGNvbWluZyB0byBNTEIuIFRoYXQncyBtb3Jl IHJhcmUgdGhhbiB5b3UgbWlnaHQgdGhpbmsuDQpXZWxsLCB0aGFua3MgZm9yIGxvb2tpbi4N CkFhcm9u ================= Date: 01 Dec 2014 21:52:30 -0800 To: Subject: Re: HELP! I have a gremlin! From: uthminsta@hotmail.com S2VuIE1vcmdhbnRpLCBzdXBlciBjYXJkIG5pbmphLCBmb3VuZCB0aGlzIGZvciBtZSBpbiBh IG1hdHRlciBvZiBtaW51dGVzLiBCdXQgd2hpbGUgYW55IG9mIHlvdSBtaWdodCBiZSBkaWdn aW5nIGluIHlvdXIgZWFybHkgODAncyBzdHVmZiwgSSBzaG91bGQgYXNrIGlmIGFueW9uZSBo YXMgMTk4NCBUT1BQUyBGQiAjMzA0LCBKT0hOTklFIFBPRS4gT3IgYW55IEVkZ2FyIEFsbGVu IFBvZSBjYXJkcywgYWN0dWFsbHkuIEFueXRoaW5nIHBvcnRyYXlpbmcgYW55b25lIHdpdGgg dGhlIGxhc3QgbmFtZSBQb2UuIEkgaGF2ZSBtZW50aW9uZWQgb24gbXkgd2FudGxpc3RzIHRo YXQgSSBjb2xsZWN0IGFueSBwbGF5ZXIgd2l0aCB0aGUgc2FtZSBsYXN0IG5hbWUgYXMgbWUs IFNISVJMRVkuIEFuZCBJIG1lbnRpb24gY29sbGVjdGluZyBMRVcgQlJPQ0tFVFQgY2FyZHM7 IGhlIGhhcyBteSBtb3RoZXIncyBtYWlkZW4gbmFtZSBhbmQgd2UgYmVsaWV2ZSBoZSBpcyBy ZWxhdGlvbi4gQnV0IEkndmUgbmV2ZXIgbWVudGlvbmVkIHRoYXQgbXkgZ3JhbmRtb3RoZXIg d2FzIGEgUE9FLiBEb24ndCBrbm93IG9mIGFueSBQb2VzIHdobyBldmVyIHBsYXllZCBiYXNl YmFsbCBvbiBhbnkgbGV2ZWwuIFNvIG15IGdyYW5kcGFyZW50cycgYmlydGggbmFtZXMgd2Vy ZSBTSElSTEVZLCBGSVRaR0VSQUxELCBCUk9DS0VUVCBhbmQgUE9FLiBGaXR6Z2VyYWxkIHNl ZW1zIGEgbGl0dGxlIHRvbyBjb21tb24sIHNvIG1heWJlIEkgY291bGQgZm9jdXMgb24ganVz dCBFZCBGaXR6Z2VyYWxkIChhcHBlYXJzIG9uIDE5NDktMTk2MCBjYXJkcykuIE9yIG1heWJl IEkgY291bGQgZGVmaW5pdGl2ZWx5IHByb3ZlIHRoYXQgSSBhbSBhY3R1YWxseSByZWxhdGVk IHRvIGEgYmFzZWJhbGwgcGxheWVyLCBhbmQganVzdCBjb2xsZWN0IHRoZWlyIHN0dWZmLiBP ciwgT09IISBNeSB3aWZlJ3MgbW90aGVyJ3MgZmF0aGVyJ3MgbW90aGVyIHdhcyBhbiBPVFQh IE1heWJlIHdlIGNvdWxkIGNvbm5lY3QgdGhlIGZhbWlseSB0cmVlIHRvIE1hc3RlciBNZWx2 aW4h ================= Date: 02 Dec 2014 10:09:48 -0800 To: Subject: Ed the HERO! From: tvalacak@comcast.net RUQgUElLRSBzZW50IG92ZXIgdGhlIGxhc3QgY2FyZCBuZWVkZWQgdG8gY29tcGxldGUgdGhl IDE5ODEgVG9wcHMgU2NyYXRjaCBPZmYgZ2FtZS4gIEEgcGFuZWwgdGhhdCBjb25zaXN0ZWQg b2YgR2VvcmdlIEJyZXR0LCBSaWNrIE1hbm5pbmcsIGFuZCBTaXh0byBMZXpjYW5vLiAgSSBs b3ZlZCB0aGlzIHNldCB3aGVuIGl0IGNhbWUgb3V0IGJhY2sgaW4gMTk4MS4gIEFzIGEgOSB5 ZWFyIG9sZCBiYWNrIHRoZW4sIEkgd2FzIGxvdmluZyBhbnl0aGluZyBiYXNlYmFsbC4gIFBs YXlpbmcgdGhlIENhZGFjbyBBbGwtU3RhciBnYW1lLCB0aGVuIHRoZSBzY3JhdGNoIG9mZnMu ICBFdmVudHVhbGx5IG1vdmluZyB0byBTdHJhdCwgYnV0IHRoYXQgd291bGQgYmUgYSBsaXR0 bGUgbGF0ZXIuICBBbnl3YXkuICBJdCdzIG5pY2UgdG8gaGF2ZSB0aGlzIHNldCBhbmQgcHV0 IGl0IHRvIGJlZC4gIFRoYW5rIHlvdSBzbyBtdWNoIEVkISAgQW5kIHllcywgSSBsb29rZWQg aW4gdGhlIDgxIGJvb2sgZmlyc3QuICBFZCBBbHNvIHNlbnQgb3ZlciBhIG51bWJlciBvZiBU b3BwcyBzdGlja2VyIGJvb2tzIGZyb20gdGhlIDgwJ3MuICBJIHN0aWxsIGxvdmUgdGhlc2Ug c3RpY2tlciBib29rcy4gIEkgd2lsbCBoYXZlIHRvIGdldCBnb2luZyB3aXRoIGEgZmV3IG9m IHRoZW0gYW5kIGdldCBzb21lIGxpc3RzIHBvc3RlZC4gIFRoYW5rIHlvdSBhbHNvIGZvciBz b21lIGNvb2wgZm9vdGJhbGwgY2FyZHMgZm91bmQgaW4gdGhlIHBhZ2VzIG9mIGEgZmV3IG9m IHRoZSBhbGJ1bXMuICBHcmVhdCBoaXRzIEVkISAgWW91IGFyZSB0aGUgSGVybyBmb3IgdGhl IDgxIHNjcmF0Y2ggb2ZmcyENCiBUSg0K ================= To: "uvlist@yahoogroups.com" Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 18:30:12 -0500 Subject: thanks! From: Shawn Smart ED PIKE - sends a fun box I claimed off one of his waiver wires - a bunch o= f rack and wax packs from the mid 80's . Havent decided if I will bust any= of these open but I am sure temptation will grab me soon. Also a stack o= f assorted cards from 82 - 84 Topps. I'll make lists for those eventually! BOB SAXTON - sends 3 hits to my 91 Donruss set leaving 6 left - 200, 392, = 546, 696, 700 , BC-12Any set killers out there? :) = ================= Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2014 19:24:39 -0500 To: dugouttraders@yahoogroups.com, OBC-Ramblings@yahoogroups.com, Subject: 2014-15 NFL Playoff Pool - 1st announcement From: smartalecx@aol.com Content-Language: en I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and are looking forward to a = terrific holiday season. Due to some changes we are making this year, I wanted to get a jump on things this year with an early December first announcement of this year's = NFL Playoff pool. We had 16 participants last year, and it was a lot of fun,= even if the team you root for is done for the year because it had one of t= he worst defenses in the history of the NFL. Once again, I am going to be running a playoff pool for all those interested. It is an interesting format where you always have one player = active in each game. The entry fee is $1 to cover postage for the winners plus a baseball or football card, preferably pre-1980, with a current condition-adjusted value of about $10. In addition, because of some issue= s last year collecting entries, your entry fee plus card must be postmarked no later t= han the day before the first playoff game of the post-season. The playoff schedule obviously won't be finalized for several weeks, but if the playoffs were to start this weekend, the lineup would look like thi= s: AFC Week 1: 6 Dolphins at 3 Bengals, 5 Chargers at 4 Colts, 1 Patriots and 2 Broncos BYE (at least 5 more teams still in the hunt at 7-5t) AFC Week 2: 1 Patriots at home vs. lowest seeded Week One winner, 2 Broncos at home vs. highest seeded Week One winner AFC Week 3: Week 2 winners at home of highest remaining seed NFC Week 1: 6 Lions at 3 Eagles, 5 Seahawks at 4 Falcons, 1 Cardinals and= 2 Packers BYE (Dallas, San Francisco leading those still in the hunt) NFC Week 2: 1 Cardinals at home vs. lowest seeded Week One winner, 2 Packers at home vs. highest seeded Week One winner NFC Week 3: Week 2 winners at home of highest remaining seed Week 4: Super Bowl The weekend of January 3-4 marks the start of our playoff pool. Here is how it works. Teams: Select a team of 12 players from the 12 teams in the playoffs. Your team must have 1, and only 1 player from each team and you are allowe= d exactly 2 QB=E2=80=99s, 4 RB=E2=80=99s, 4 WR=E2=80=99s, 1 TE, and 1 K (ther= e are no defenses or special teams in the pool). In each game, every participant will have one= player going from each team. Rank your players 1 through 12, with 1 being the player you think will score the most points overall throughout the playoffs, and 12 being the pl= ayer you think will score the least points. Submit your roster to me like this: QB Dawson KC (4), QB Staubach DAL (2), RB Davis DEN (1), RB Warner SEA (12), etc., with the number in parenthesis being your personal ranking of the player. Deadline: Picks must be submitted to me via email (_smartalecx@aol.com_ (mailto:smartalecx@aol.com) ) no later than Saturday, January 3 at 8 AM Central Time. Once your team is submitted, it cannot be changed. Please= remember that your entry fee and card must be postmarked no later than Jan= uary 2. Scoring: Passing: Touchdown 4 points, Yardage 1 point for every 25 passing yards,= -2 points for an interception, - 2 points for a fumble Rushing and Receiving: Touchdown 6 points, Yardage 1 point for every 10 yards, 1 point for every catch, -2 points for a fumble Kicking: Field Goals: 1-39 yards 3 points, 40-49 yards 4 points, 50-59 yards 5 points, 60+ yards 7 points. Missed (including bad snap) or Blocke= d FG 1-39 yards -2 points, 40-49 yards -1 point. PATs 1 point, missed PAT= (for any reason unless a pass or run results in a conversion) -2 points There are NO points awarded for 2 point conversions or kick returns for touchdowns Remember, four NFL teams will have 1st round byes, and could potentially play one less game than the other eight. The winner is determined by tota= l points scored by their roster over the entire playoff season (four games). Tie Breaker: Since there is a possibility that more than one team can have the exact same players and/or total score, ties will be broken by the = total points of the player with the # 1 ranking. If still tied, than # 2 = will be used and so on until the tie is broken. Prizes (subject to change based on number of entries): Overall winner will get 75% of the cards, 2nd place gets 25%. ( with such a high number o= f entries last year, the top four finishers received a prize) I hope to have rosters/rankings out before kickoff of the first game on Saturday, especially if I get your rosters early. Weekly results will be= sent out as an Excel spreadsheet attachment in an email, usually on Monday= before noon. Please let me know if you have any questions BEFORE the roster deadline. Remember, your entry must be postmarked no later than 11:59 PM on Friday,= January 2, and your picks must be submitted to me via email (_smartalecx@aol.com_ (mailto:smartalecx@aol.com) ) no later than Saturday,= January 3 at 8 AM CST. Looking forward to the pool, and a Happy Holiday season to you and your = families! Gary Mandell P.O. Box 180333 Chicago, IL 60618-0676 _http://gmcards.homestead.com/mywebpage.html_ (http://gmcards.homestead.com/) Member: OCT, OBC, DT, TB ================= Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 11:32:45 -0500 To: uvlist@yahoogroups.com Subject: puffy from Mark Z. From: RAN912@aol.com Yesterday I received a nice puffy package from Mark Zentkovich. Mark sent me (1)2002 Sonny's Bar-B-Q,(2)1993 Stadium Club, (9)1996 Stadium Club, (1)1996 Stadium Club Bash & Burn, (1)1997 Stadium Club, (1)1998 Stadium Club, (17)1999 Stadium Club, and (3)2000 Stadium Club. Great additions, Mark - many thanks. Rich Niessen ================= Date: 04 Dec 2014 15:51:49 -0800 To: Subject: 1992-94 NFL Game Day Cards From: tvalacak@comcast.net SGV5IGdhbmcsDQogSXMgYW55b25lIG91dCB0aGVyZSBjb2xsZWN0aW5nIHRoZXNlPyAgSSBo YXZlIG1heWJlIDIwMCBmcm9tIDkyLCAxNSBmcm9tIDkzIGFuZCA5NC4gIElmIHNvLCBzZW5k IGEgbGlzdC4gIElmIGludGVyZXN0ZWQgaW4gYSBzdGFydGVyIHNldCwgbGV0IG1lIGtub3cg YW5kIEkgd291bGQgYmUgaGFwcHkgdG8gc2VuZCB0aGVtIG91dC4NCiBUSg0K ================= Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014 02:52:39 +0000 (UTC) To: "uvlist@yahoogroups.com" Subject: thanks to ed pike From: mark zentkovich for: 35 panels from 81 topps scratch off including rickey henderson and george brett 100 football from 82-83 including Walter Payton and Archie Manning about 120 baseball from 82-86 including Nolan Ryan, Pete Rose, and Bruce Sutter thanks for the nice uv box, will have much fun sorting adding to my lists and putting away! obc is great! mark zentkovich ================= Date: 04 Dec 2014 19:40:40 -0800 To: Subject: Thanks, Aaron! From: james_moleta@hotmail.com VGhlIFV0aG1pbnN0YSwgQUFST04gU0hJUkxFWSwgcmVwYXlzIHNvbWUga2luZG5lc3MgYnkg a25vY2tpbmcgYSBkb3VibGUgYmFrZXIncyBkb3plbiBvZmYgbXkgODJUICYgODNUIGxpc3Rz ISANCiANCg0KIFRoYW5rcyBhIGJ1bmNoLCBBYXJvbiEgT0JDIC0gWW91IGdvdHRhIGxvdmUg aXQhDQogSmFtZXMNCg== ================= Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014 18:05:46 -0800 To: UV Subject: A pair of thanks From: Stamper Ken Goetsch sends three envelopes with 83 Football. Taylor Schock hits the 94 Topps Gold set. Thank you both. John Stamper ================= Date: 05 Dec 2014 19:38:28 -0800 To: Subject: Christmas card from Randy From: bdangelo@aol.com SGkgZ2FuZywNCiANCg0KIEdvdCBhIG5pY2UgQ2hyaXN0bWFzIGNhcmQgZnJvbSBSYW5keSBH cmlmZmluIGFuZCBoaXMgZmFtaWx5IHRvZGF5LiBBbHNvIGluY2x1ZGVkIHdhcyBhIHRocmVl LWNhcmQgc2V0IG9mIEpvZSBEaU1hZ2dpbyBmcm9tIHRoZSAxOTkyIFNjb3JlIHNldC4NCiAN Cg0KIFZlcnkgY29vbCwgdGhhbmtzIHNvIG11Y2ghDQogDQoNCiANCiBCb2INCiANCg0K ================= To: Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2014 08:09:36 -0600 Subject: Thanks to Bob D. From: "Randy Griffin" charset="UTF-8" Thanks to Bob D=E2=80=99Angelo for a group of ten 2014 A & G cards includin= g Puig and Verlander. Great looking cards, Bob! Thanks, OBC! Randy Griffin ================= Date: 06 Dec 2014 14:54:21 -0800 To: Subject: Starter set swap? From: james_moleta@hotmail.com SGkgZ3V5cywNCiBJIGhhdmUgYSBib2F0bG9hZCBvZiAyMDA4IEdvdWRleXMgKCczNCBzdHls ZSBieSBVcHBlciBEZWNrKSBhbmQgY291bGQgcHJvYmFibHkgbWFrZSBleGNlbGxlbnQgc3Rh cnRlciBzZXRzIGZvciBtdWx0aXBsZSBwZW9wbGUgaWYgdGhlcmUgaXMgaW50ZXJlc3QuIERv ZXMgYW55b25lIGhhdmUgYSB2aW50YWdlIHN0eWxlIFVWIGJhc2ViYWxsIHN0YXJ0ZXIgdG8g b2ZmZXIgaW4gZXhjaGFuZ2U/IFRoZSBvbmx5IG90aGVyIG9uZXMgSSB3b3VsZCBub3QgYmUg bG9va2luZyBmb3IgIC0gZm9yIHJlYXNvbnMgdGhhdCB3aWxsIGJlIG1vcmUgb2J2aW91cyB1 cG9uIHJlYWRpbmcgZnVydGhlciAtIGFyZSAwMiBCb3dtYW4gSGVyaXRhZ2UgKDU0QiBzdHls ZSksIDAzIFVEIFZpbnRhZ2UgKDY1VCBzdHlsZSksIGFuZCAxMyBVcHBlciBEZWNrIEdvb2R3 aW4gQ2hhbXBpb25zLiANCiANCg0KIENvbWUgdG8gdGhpbmsgb2YgaXQsIEkgY291bGQgcHJv YmFibHkgb2ZmZXIgb25lIDAyIEJvd21hbiBIZXJpdGFnZSBzdGFydGVyIGZvciBzd2FwIGFz IHdlbGwuLi4gDQogDQoNCiBGb3Iga2lja3MsIGhlcmUgaXMgbXkgVVYgVmludGFnZSBzZXQg Vy9MLiBJbiBzaG9ja2luZ2x5IG5vbi1PQkMgZmFzaGlvbiwgaGlnaGVyIGdyYWRlIGNhcmRz IGFyZSBwcmVmZXJyZWQuIFRoYW5rcyBmb3IgbG9va2luZyENCiBKYW1lcw0KICANCiAyMDAy IEJvd21hbiBIZXJpdGFnZSAobG9vayBsaWtlIDU0QikgDQo3MSBUT05ZIEJBVElTVEEgMTc0 IFJBTFBIIFNBTlRBTkEgMjEzIEpBU09OIEFSTk9MRCAyNDQgS1JJUyBCRU5TT04gMjU0IE5B UE9MRUFOIENBTFpBRE8gMjk2IE1JS0UgV0lMU09OIDI5OSBUT0REIEhVTkRMRVkgMzIwIFJZ QU4gQ0hVUkNIIDM2NiBSSUNIIEFVUklMSUEgMzc3IFNDT1RUIFJPTEVOIDQwMSBNQU5OWSBE RUxDQVJNRU4gNDEyIFJJQ0hBUkQgTEFORSA0MjEgVE9NIEdMQVZJTkUgNDI3IFJPTEFORE8g VklFUkEgNDM0IFJPR0VSIENFREVOTw0KDQoyMDAzIFVEIFZpbnRhZ2UgU2VyaWVzIEkgKGxv b2sgbGlrZSA2NVQpIC0gVGhhbmtzIHRvIEtldmluIE1hcnRlbnMgZm9yIGEgc3RhcnRlciEN CjggNTEgNTIgNzAgOTggMTEyIDEyNiAxNTggMTk0IDIyMCAyMzUgMjM2IDIzNyAyMzkgMjQ3 ICANCg0KMjAwNCBCb3dtYW4gSGVyaXRhZ2UgKGxvb2sgbGlrZSA1NUI7IHdvdWxkIGxvdmUg YSBjaHVuayBvZiB0aGVzZSBpbiBleGNoYW5nZSBmb3IgYW4gMDggR291ZGV5IHN0YXJ0ZXIh KQ0KMSAyIDQtMTQgMTYgMTcgMTkgMjEgMjIgMjQtMjggMzMgMzQgMzggMzkgNDItNDUgNDkg NTAgNTUgNTcgNTggNjEgNjMgNjYgNjkgNzItODQgODYtODkgOTEgOTIgOTMgOTUtOTcgMTAw IDEwMSAxMDQgMTA1IDEwNyAxMDggMTEwIDExMSAxMTMgMTE0IDExNSAxMTggMTE5IDEyMS0x MzQgMTM2IDEzOCAxNDAtMTQyIDE0NCAxNDYtMTQ4IDE1MiAxNTMgMTU1IDE1OCAxNTkgMTYx IDE2NSAxNzAgMTcxIDE3NSAxODIgMTg1IDE4OCAxODkgMTk0IDE5NiAyMTMgMjE0IDIxNiAy MjQgMjI4IDIzNCAyNDAgMjQ2IDI0OSAyNTkgMjY4IDI3MCAyNzEgMjgyIDI4MyAyODYgMjkx IDI5OSAzMDQgMzEzIDMxOCAzMjcgMzM0IDM0MiAzNDgNCg0KMjAwOCBHb3VkZXkgKGJ5IFVw cGVyIERlY2spDQoxMiAyNSAyNiAyNyAzNyA0NCA0NiA0NyA3NCAxMDUgMTIzIDEyNiAxMjkg MTMxIDE0MyAxNDQgMTUwIDE1MyAxNTkgMTYzIDE3MSAxNzIgMTc1IDE4MiAxODUgMTkwIDE5 MyAxOTUgYW55dGhpbmcgMjAwKw0KDQogDQoNCiAyMDEzIFVwcGVyIERlY2sgR29vZHdpbiBD aGFtcGlvbnMNCiAyLTQgOSAxMiAxNC0xOCAyNC0yNyAyOSAzMCAzMiAzNCAzNSAzNyA0MSA0 MiA0NC01MCA1MyA1NCA1NiA1NyA1OSA2MCA2NCA2NSA2OCA2OSA3MyA3NiA3NyA3OCA4MSA4 MiA4MyA4NSA4NiA5MSA5NCA5NSA5NiAxMDQgMTA1IDEwNy0xMTAgMTE1IDExOC0xMjAgMTIy LTEyNiAxMzEgMTM0IDEzNSAxMzcgMTM5IDE0MS0xNDMgMTQ1IDE0NiAxNTEgMTU0LTE1OCAx NjAgMTYyLTE2NiAxNjktMTgyIDE4NCAxODYtMTk1IDE5Ny0yMDAgMjAyLTIxMA0KIA0KDQo= ================= Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2014 18:18:25 -0800 To: "uvlist@yahoogroups.com" Subject: PSA question re half grade for Jordan rookie From: Ed pike I will share a dirty little secret - I actually sent a couple cards to be P= SA slabbed. One is a Jordan rookie I pulled from cards purchased at a gas station conve= nience shop in Concord Ma - which I saw when visiting over Thanskgiving is = still there! My question is whether a half grade of PSA 8.5 would tend to price more tow= ards an 8 or a 9 or straight down the middle. Thanks for any suggestions. Ed Pike ================= Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2014 16:01:19 +0000 (UTC) To: UV List Subject: Thanks Bob Saxton... From: Dan Angland What is better than starting a new set? How about completingit = in one hit?Thanks to Bob Saxton for a complete 82 K-mart 82 anniversary set= .Have an OBC Holiday!Dan Angland ================= To: "uvlist@yahoogroups.com" Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2014 17:09:53 -0500 Subject: Shirley From: Shawn Smart AARON SHIRLEY - sends a nice puffy hitting the 86 sets - BB and FB. Might= be close to killing the Baseball. Thanks! = ================= Date: 08 Dec 2014 17:08:00 -0800 To: Subject: UV THANKS to BESSETTE, LABS, PIKE, SAXTON From: uthminsta@hotmail.com Uk9CIEJFU1NFVFRFIHNlbnQgKGFsb25nIHdpdGggc29tZSB2aW50YWdlKSBhIDE5ODEgRmxl ZXIgRGFubnkgQWluZ2UgYW5kIDE5ODIgRmxlZXIgSm9yZ2UgQmVsbC4gVGhhbmtzLCBSb2Ih DQoNClJJQ0hBUkQgTEFCUyBzZW50IGFuIDgwMC1jb3VudCBib3ggZnVsbCwgd2l0aCBzdGFj a3Mgb2YgZWFjaDogMTk4MiBEb25ydXNzLCAxOTgyIEZsZWVyLCAyMDAxIGFuZCAyMDA5IFRv cHBzIEhlcml0YWdlLCAyMDAyIFRvcHBzIChJY2hpcm8pLCAyMDA3IFRvcHBzIGluY2x1ZGlu ZyBzb21lIHJlZCBiYWNrIHBhcmFsbGVscywgYW5kIGJpZyBzdGFja3Mgb2YgMjAwOS0yMDE0 IFRvcHBzLiBJIGhhdmUgYSBmZWVsaW5nIHRoZXNlIG1pZ2h0IGJlIGZpbmlzaGluZyBzZXRz LCBvciBnZXR0aW5nIHNvbWUgb2YgdGhlbSBhd3d3ZnVsbHkgY2xvc2UuIEJpZyB0aGFua3Ms IFJpY2hhcmQhDQoNCkVEIFBJS0Ugc2VudCBhIGJveCB0b28uIEEgYmlnIGJveC4gSXQncyBn b3QgYSB3aG9sZSBzdG9yeSB0byBpdCwgdGhvdWdoLiBGb3IgYW5vdGhlciBwb3N0LiBTZXJp b3VzbHkuIEJ1dCBpbmNsdWRlZCB3ZXJlIGVtcHR5IGJveGVzIGZyb20gMTk4MiwgODMsIDg1 IEZsZWVyLi4uIDkgdW5vcGVuZWQgcGFja3Mgb2YgUmV0dXJuIG9mIHRoZSBKZWRpIGNhcmRz Li4uIGEgY29tcGxldGUgMTk4NCBSYWxzdG9uIFB1cmluYSBzZXQuLi4gdGhlIDE5ODggRmxl ZXIgRG9kZ2VycyB0ZWFtIHNldC4uLiBhbmQgd2hhdCBzZWVtcyB0byBiZSBzZXZlcmFsIFRI T1VTQU5EIDE5ODEgVG9wcHMgc2NyYXRjaG9mZnMuIEkgd2lsbCB0ZWxsIHRoZSB3aG9sZSBz dG9yeSBsYXRlciBvbiB0aGUgcmFtYmxpbmdzIHNlcnZlciwgYnV0IG11Y2ggdGhhbmtzLCBF ZCENCg0KQk9CIFNBWFRPTiBzZW50IGEgYmlnIHN0YXJ0ZXIgc2V0IG9mIDE5OTUgQmF6b29r YS4gVGhhbmtzLCBCb2IhDQoNClRoYW5rcyBPQkMsIGZvciByZWFsbHkgaGVscGluZyBtb3Zl IGEgTE9UIG9mIHNldHMgYWxvbmchDQpBYXJvbiBTaGlybGV5IA0KDQo= ================= Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2014 20:40:54 -0800 To: "" Subject: Thanks to Aaron Shirley From: Rick Aaron hits my 86 topps football set with a double stuffed flat. Thank you v= ery much they are greatly appreciated. Rick Sent from my iPad ================= Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2014 18:36:12 -0500 To: smartalecx@aol.com Subject: 2014-15 NFL Playoff Pool -- Second Call From: smartalecx@aol.com Content-Language: en Once again, I am going to be running an NFL playoff pool for all those interested. It is an interesting format where you always have one player= active from each team. We had 16 participants last year, and already have= half that many signed up after the first announcement last week. The entry fee is $1 to cover postage for the winners plus a baseball or football card, preferably pre-1980, with a current condition-adjusted valu= e of about $10. In addition, because of some issues last year collecting entries, your entry fee plus card must be postmarked no later than the day= before the first playoff game of the post-season. The playoff schedule obviously won't be finalized for several weeks, but if the playoffs were to start this weekend, the lineup would look like thi= s: AFC Week 1: 6 Chargers at 3 Colts, 5 Steelers at 4 Bengals, 1 Patriots and 2 Broncos BYE (at least 5 more teams still in the hunt at 7-5t) AFC Week 2: 1 Patriots at home vs. lowest seeded Week One winner, 2 Broncos at home vs. highest seeded Week One winner AFC Week 3: Week 2 winners at home of highest remaining seed NFC Week 1: 6 Lions at 3 Eagles, 5 Seahawks at 4 Falcons, 1 Cardinals and= 2 Packers BYE (Dallas, San Francisco leading those still in the hunt) NFC Week 2: 1 Cardinals at home vs. lowest seeded Week One winner, 2 Packers at home vs. highest seeded Week One winner NFC Week 3: Week 2 winners at home of highest remaining seed Week 4: Super Bowl The weekend of January 3-4 marks the start of our playoff pool. Here is how it works. Teams: Select a team of 12 players from the 12 teams in the playoffs. = Your team must have 1, and only 1 player from each team and you are allowe= d exactly 2 QB=E2=80=99s, 4 RB=E2=80=99s, 4 WR=E2=80=99s, 1 TE, and 1 K (ther= e are no defenses or special teams in the pool). In each game, every participant will have one= player going from each team. Rank your players 1 through 12, with 1 being the player you think will score the most points overall throughout the playoffs, and 12 being the pl= ayer you think will score the least points. These rankings are only used as a= tiebreaker between prize winners if necessary. Submit your roster to me like this: QB Dawson KC (4), QB Staubach DAL (2), RB Davis DEN (1), RB Warner SEA (12), etc., with the number in parenthesis being your personal ranking of the player. Deadline: Picks must be submitted to me via email (_smartalecx@aol.com_ (mailto:smartalecx@aol.com) ) no later than Saturday, January 3 at 8 AM Central Time. Once your team is submitted, it cannot be changed. Please = remember that your entry fee and card must be postmarked no later than Janu= ary 2. Scoring: Passing: Touchdown 4 points, Yardage 1 point for every 25 passing yards,= -2 points for an interception, - 2 points for a fumble Rushing and Receiving: Touchdown 6 points, Yardage 1 point for every 10 yards, 1 point for every catch, -2 points for a fumble Kicking: Field Goals: 1-39 yards 3 points, 40-49 yards 4 points, 50-59 yards 5 points, 60+ yards 7 points. Missed (including bad snap) or Blocke= d FG 1-39 yards -2 points, 40-49 yards -1 point. PATs 1 point, missed PAT= (for any reason unless a pass or run results in a conversion) -2 points There are NO points awarded for 2 point conversions or kick returns for = touchdowns Remember, four NFL teams will have 1st round byes, and could potentially play one less game than the other eight teams. The winner is determined b= y total points scored by their roster over the entire playoff season (four = games). Tie Breaker: Since there is a possibility that more than one team can have the exact same players and/or total score, ties will be broken by the= total points of the player with the # 1 ranking from each entry. If still= tied, than # 2 will be used and so on until the tie is broken. Prizes (subject to change based on number of entries): Overall winner will get 75% of the cards, 2nd place gets 25%. (with such a high number of= entries last year, the top four finishers received a prize) = I hope to have rosters/rankings out before kickoff of the first game on Saturday, especially if I get your rosters early. Weekly results will be= sent out as an Excel spreadsheet attachment in an email, usually on Monday= before noon. Please let me know if you have any questions BEFORE the roster deadline.= Remember, your entry must be postmarked no later than 11:59 PM on Friday,= January 2, and your picks must be submitted to me via email (_smartalecx@aol.com_ (mailto:smartalecx@aol.com) ) no later than Saturday,= January 3 at 8 AM CST. And for those who have already agreed to play, please get your entries in.= Looking forward to the pool, and a Happy Holiday season to you and your = families! Gary Mandell P.O. Box 180333 Chicago, IL 60618-0676 Member: OCT, OBC, DT, TB ================= Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 04:50:34 +0000 (UTC) To: UV List Subject: Big thanks to Shawn Smart From: Lynn Miller And i do mean big, literally. Shawn sends me the complete boxed set o= f the 1991 Pro Set Desert Storm cards. Tremendous! But that was= n't enough apparently since he also included a complete set of 1991 Desert = Storm Operation Yellow Ribbon cards. Double Tremendous! This is= a big day for my military card collection. As we in military would s= ay for outstanding achievement, this goes "above and beyond the call of dut= y". Thanks Shawn for such a generous contribution, I salute you!= OBC is the Greatest, Lynn ================= To: "octraders@yahoogroups.com" , Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 22:17:57 -0500 Subject: Cleanup skeds From: Taylor Schock Gary Mandell sends a pair of envelopes, which both contained skeds from his= cleanup and moving project. Thanks Gary! Regards, Taylor =09=09=09=09=09 ================= Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 00:09:47 -0500 To: dugouttraders@yahoogroups.com, uvlist@yahoogroups.com, Subject: '14 topps update - questions, needs, availables From: smartalecx@aol.com busted a jumbo box during one of the most boring football games ever --no td's scored, and its not like these were the greatest defenses of all time. (although the promo for titans-jaguars matchup next week was riveting). does anyone else think that these teams just cant get ready in time to put on a good Thursday game? anyway, regarding the topps baseball update set i am missing numbers 21 and 311. anyone have any extras, or can tell me who they are? interestingly though, i have 2 different # 117 --- bryan holaday and john lackey. i also have 2 different # 164 -- josh tomlin and joe kelly. do these cards take the place of some other numbers (21 and 311 perhaps)? are there more examples of this kind of error that i should be aware of? i have about 100 regular dupes plus the usual assortment of inserts that i dont collect. if you can help, or want to point me to your want lists, i will take a look. thanks! Gary Mandell P.O. Box 180333 Chicago, IL 60618-0676 _http://gmcards.homestead.com/mywebpage.html_ (http://gmcards.homestead.com/) Member: OCT, OBC, DT, TB ================= Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 00:22:33 -0500 To: smartalecx@aol.com, uvlist@yahoogroups.com Subject: Re: [uvlist] '14 topps update - questions, needs, availables From: cardclctor@aol.com Content-Language: en Gary, Looked it up and found in the comments that there were no cards issued for the two you're missing and two each for the ones you have. Hope that = helps, Ken M http://www.cardboardconnection.com/2014-topps-update-series-baseball-cards In a message dated 12/12/2014 12:09:48 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, uvlist-noreply@yahoogroups.com writes: busted a jumbo box during one of the most boring football games ever --no = td's scored, and its not like these were the greatest defenses of all time= . (although the promo for titans-jaguars matchup next week was riveting). = does anyone else think that these teams just cant get ready in time to put= on a good Thursday game? anyway, regarding the topps baseball update set i am missing numbers 21 = and 311. anyone have any extras, or can tell me who they are? interestingly though, i have 2 different # 117 --- bryan holaday and john = lackey. i also have 2 different # 164 -- josh tomlin and joe kelly. do these cards take the place of some other numbers (21 and 311 perhaps)? = are there more examples of this kind of error that i should be aware of? i have about 100 regular dupes plus the usual assortment of inserts that i= dont collect. if you can help, or want to point me to your want lists, i= will take a look. thanks! Gary Mandell P.O. Box 180333 Chicago, IL 60618-0676 _http://gmcards.homestead.com/mywebpage.html_ (http://gmcards.homestead.com/) Member: OCT, OBC, DT, TB ================= Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 02:14:28 -0500 To: uvlist@yahoogroups.com Subject: Re: [uvlist] '14 topps update - questions, needs, availables From: ChicoD1@aol.com Content-Language: en As Yogi Berra would say: "Isn't great to finish a set you already finished?" Sal Domino OBC - 1992 In a message dated 12/12/2014 12:22:36 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, uvlist-noreply@yahoogroups.com writes: Gary, Looked it up and found in the comments that there were no cards issued for the two you're missing and two each for the ones you have. Hope that helps, Ken M http://www.cardboardconnection.com/2014-topps-update-series-baseball-cards In a message dated 12/12/2014 12:09:48 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, uvlist-noreply@yahoogroups.com writes: busted a jumbo box during one of the most boring football games ever --no= td's scored, and its not like these were the greatest defenses of all time= . (although the promo for titans-jaguars matchup next week was riveting). = does anyone else think that these teams just cant get ready in time to put= on a good Thursday game? anyway, regarding the topps baseball update set i am missing numbers 21 = and 311. anyone have any extras, or can tell me who they are? interestingly though, i have 2 different # 117 --- bryan holaday and john= lackey. i also have 2 different # 164 -- josh tomlin and joe kelly. do these cards take the place of some other numbers (21 and 311 perhaps)? = are there more examples of this kind of error that i should be aware of? i have about 100 regular dupes plus the usual assortment of inserts that i= dont collect. if you can help, or want to point me to your want lists, i= will take a look. thanks! Gary Mandell P.O. Box 180333 Chicago, IL 60618-0676 _http://gmcards.homestead.com/mywebpage.html_ (http://gmcards.homestead.com/) Member: OCT, OBC, DT, TB ================= Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 03:48:29 -0600 To: "cardclctor@aol.com" Subject: Re: [uvlist] '14 topps update - questions, needs, availables From: TJ Valacak charset=utf-8 It's the 1986 Topps set revisited Sent from my iPhone > On Dec 11, 2014, at 11:22 PM, "cardclctor@aol.com [uvlist]" wrote: > > Gary, > Looked it up and found in the comments that there were no cards issued = for the two you're missing and two each for the ones you have. Hope that he= lps, > > Ken M > http://www.cardboardconnection.com/2014-topps-update-series-baseball-card= s > > In a message dated 12/12/2014 12:09:48 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, uvlist= -noreply@yahoogroups.com writes: > > > busted a jumbo box during one of the most boring football games ever --no= td's scored, and its not like these were the greatest defenses of all time= . (although the promo for titans-jaguars matchup next week was riveting). = does anyone else think that these teams just cant get ready in time to put= on a good Thursday game? > > anyway, regarding the topps baseball update set i am missing numbers 21 a= nd 311. anyone have any extras, or can tell me who they are? > > interestingly though, i have 2 different # 117 --- bryan holaday and john= lackey. i also have 2 different # 164 -- josh tomlin and joe kelly. > > do these cards take the place of some other numbers (21 and 311 perhaps)?= are there more examples of this kind of error that i should be aware of? > > i have about 100 regular dupes plus the usual assortment of inserts that = i dont collect. if you can help, or want to point me to your want lists, i= will take a look. > > thanks! > > Gary Mandell > P.O. Box 180333 > Chicago, IL 60618-0676 > > http://gmcards.homestead.com/mywebpage.html > > Member: OCT, OBC, DT, TB > ================= To: tradingbases@yahoogroups.com, OCTraders@yahoogroups.com, Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 08:11:23 -0500 Subject: I need some 2014 Topps Insert help From: KEVINM38@aol.com Hi all, I still need a good amount of 2014 Topps Update Insert cards.. 2014Topps Update All-Star Access (Have): New set as of 11/18/14. I have the= following: ASA-AJ 2014 Topps Update Fond Farewell: Updated 12/9/14 FF-DJ Derek Jeter - New York Yankees FF-MR Mariano Rivera - New York Yankees FF-PK Paul Konerko - Chicago White Sox FF-PM Paul Molitor - Minnesota Twins FF-RY Robin Yount - Milwaukee Brewers FF-WS Willie Stargell - Pittsburgh Pirates 2014 Topps Update PowerPlayers: Updated 12/7/14. PPA-AW Adam Wainwright - St.Louis Cardinals PPA-CGM Carlos Gomez - MilwaukeeBrewers PPA-FH Felix Hernandez - Seattle Mariners PPA-JE Jacoby Ellsbury - New York Yankees PPA-MC Miguel Cabrera - DetroitTigers PPA-MTA Masahiro Tanaka - NewYork Yankees PPA-SR Sergio Romo - San Francisco Giants 2014 Topps Update The Future is Now: Updated 12/11/14. FN-GP3 Gregory Polanco -Pittsburgh Pirates FN-GS3 George Springer - Houston Astros FN-JA2 Jose Abreu - ChicagoWhite Sox FN-JS2 Jon Singleton - HoustonAstros FN-JS3 Jon Singleton - Houston Astros FN-MW2 Michael Wacha - St. Louis Cardinals FN-MW3 Michael Wacha - St. Louis Cardinals FN-NC1 Nick Castellanos -Detroit Tigers FN-NC3 Nick Castellanos -Detroit Tigers FN-OT1 Oscar Taveras - St.Louis Cardinals FN-YV2 Yordano Ventura - KansasCity Royals 2014 World Series Heroes (Have): Updated 12/8/14. I have the following: WSH-AP,BM,CS, FV, OH, PMO,PS,RC,SK,TS,WS 2014 Topps Update 1989 Mini Die Cut (Have): Updated 12/12/14. I have the fo= llowing: TM-CKE,EE,GM,GSP,GST,HK,IK,JE,PF,TT,YD All help is appreciated. Happy Holidays, Kevin Martens ================= To: tradingbases@yahoogroups.com, vct@lists.vintagecardtraders.com, Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 09:35:39 -0500 Subject: 2014 Topps Update Dupes and tradeables From: KEVINM38@aol.com Hi all, Here are my 2014 Topps Update Dupes and Tradeables 2014 Topps Update: New Setas of 12/12/14 US-3(2), 4(2), 5,6(2), 7(2), 8(2), 9, 10(3), 11, 12, 13(2), 15, 16(2), 17(2), 19(2),20, 22, 23(2), 24, 25(2), 26, 27, 28(2), 29(2), 29, 30, 31(2),32(2), 34, 35(2), 36, 37, 38, 39, 40(2), 41, 42(2), 44,45, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49(2), 50(3), 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60(2),61, 62, 64(2), 65(2), 66, 67(2), 68, 71(2), 72, 73, 74, 75(2),77, 79(2), 80, 81, 83(2), 84(2), 85(2), 86, 87, 88(2), 89(2),91(2), 92, 93, 94, 95, 96(2), 97(2), 99, 100, 103, 102, 104(2),105(2), 106(2), 107(2), 108, 109, 110, 112, 113(2), 114(2), 115,116, 118, 120(2), 121, 122(2), 123, 124, 125, 126(2), 127(2),128(2), 129, 130(2), 131(2), 132, 133, 134(2), 135(2),136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142(2), 143, 144, 145(2), 146,147(2), 148(3), 150, 151(2), 152, 153(2), 155, 156(2), 157,158, 159(2), 160, 161, 162, 163, 164(2), 165, 166, 167, 168(2),169, 170(4), 173(2), 174(3), 175(2), 176(2), 177(2),179(2), 180(2), 181, 182, 183(3), 184(2), 185(2), 186, 187(2),190(2), 191(2), 192, 193, 195(2), 197, 198(2), 201,202(3), 204(2), 205(2), 206(2), 207, 209, 211(2), 212, 213, 215, 216,217(2), 218, 219, 221, 224, 225(2), 226(2), 227, 228,229(2), 230, 231(2), 232(2), 233, 234(2), 235, 236(2),237(2), 238, 240, 241(4), 242(2) 243(2), 245, 246(2), 248, 249(2),250, 251, 252, 253(2), 254(2), 255(2), 257(3), 258, 260(2),261, 262(2), 263, 264, 265, 266, 267(3), 268, 269(2), 270,271(4), 272, 273, 274(2), 275, 276, 278, 279, 280(2), 281,282, 283, 284, 285, 286(2), 287, 288(2), 289(2), 290(2),291, 292(2), 293, 294(2), 296(2), 297(3), 298, 300, 301, 302,303, 304, 305, 307, 308, 309, 310(2), 312, 313, 314(2), 315(3),316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 325(3), 326(2), 327,328, 330 All-Star Stitches (Jersey Card): Added 12/9/14 ASR-MT (MikeTrout) Black Serial to 63: added 12/8/14 US-208 (Tigers), 252 Camo serial to 99: added 12/7/14 US-54 (Trout),146 Commemorative World Series Patch: Updated 12/8/14 WSP-JBE Commemorative World Series Trophy card serial to 99: added12/9/14 WSCT-DF(Cardinals) Fond Farewells: added 12/7/14 FF-MM Gold: Added 12/10/14 US-4, 5, 9, 86, 93,109, 143, 164, 185, 190, 197, 210, 213, 240, 250,296 Pink serial to 50: added 12/7/14 US112 Power Players: Added 12/4/14 PPA-JU, MTR Red Hots (Red Sparkle): added 12/6/14 18, 30, 52, 99,140, 146, 154, 157, 213, 245, 279, 299, 309, 315 Target (Red Border): Added12/8/14 US-46, 81, 86,93, 107, 109, 138, 143, 164, 172, 203, 242, 317 The Future Is Now: Added 12/4/14 JA1, NC2, OT2,YV1 Topps 75: Added 12/1/14 212 Pat Kelly =E2=80=93Whitesox 495 Nate Colbert =E2=80=93Expos Trajectory Auto: added 12/8/14 TA-TL (TommyLa-Stella- Braves) Wal-Mart (Blue Border): Updated 12/8/14 US-19, 27, 35,72, 197, 200, 225, 229, 240, 268, 274, 287, 301,322 1989 Topps Mini Die-Cut: added 12/6/14 TM-IK Let me know if you need any Happy Holidays, Kevin Martens ================= Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 09:11:32 -0600 To: uvlist@yahoogroups.com Subject: Remove me from uvlist From: john harrell Would whoever is in charge of the uv list server please remove me from it? Thanks Bama ================= Date: 12 Dec 2014 09:48:56 -0800 To: Subject: Re: Remove me from uvlist From: uthminsta@hotmail.com SSBkb24ndCBrbm93IHdobyBtb2RlcmF0ZXMgdGhlIFVWIGxpc3QsIGJ1dCBpbiBjYXNlIHRo ZXkgZG9uJ3QgZ2V0IHRvIGl0LCBpdCdzIHByZXR0eSBzaW1wbGUuIEdvIHRvIGh0dHBzOi8v Z3JvdXBzLnlhaG9vLmNvbS9uZW8vZ3JvdXBzL3V2bGlzdC9pbmZvIGh0dHBzOi8vZ3JvdXBz LnlhaG9vLmNvbS9uZW8vZ3JvdXBzL3V2bGlzdC9pbmZvIGFuZCBiZW5lYXRoIHRoZSBwaWN0 dXJlLCBvbiB0aGUgcmlnaHQsIGNsaWNrIE1lbWJlcnNoaXAgPiBFZGl0IE1lbWJlcnNoaXAg PiBMZWF2ZSBHcm91cC4gQ29uZmlybSwgYW5kIHlvdSdyZSBkb25lIQ== ================= Date: 12 Dec 2014 13:10:59 -0800 To: Subject: Thanks Mark Z From: rjsfgmv@aol.com VGhhbmsgeW91IHRvIE1hcmsgWmVudGtvdmljaCBmb3IgZWxldmVuIG5ld2VyIFNGIEdpYW50 cyBjYXJkcy4gQ2FuIG5ldmVyIGhhdmUgdG9vIG1hbnkgR2lhbnRzIGNhcmRzLiBUaGFuayB5 b3UgTWFyay4NCg0KUmFuZHkgV2Vsaw== ================= To: OCTraders@yahoogroups.com, vct@lists.vintagecardtraders.com, Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 19:05:34 -0500 Subject: Randy starts the Christmas Season off From: KEVINM38@aol.com Hi all, I received my first Christmas card today. Randy Griffin sends some Christmas cheer as tucked inside the Christmas Car= d 3 cards, 2 1988 Mets cards and a 2014 Topps Breakout Moments card. Randy, Thank you so much for starting this Joyous Season and for the cards = too.. Merry Christmas Kevin Martens ================= Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 02:03:16 +0000 (UTC) To: "uvlist@yahoogroups.com" Subject: thanks Ken G From: mark zentkovich thanks toKen Goetsch- 37 from 82 fleer action football including rigg= ins these will go nicely in my trade box thanks for the help mark zentkovich ================= To: Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 20:25:36 -0600 Subject: Thanks to Kevin M. From: "Randy Griffin" charset="iso-8859-1" A very nice Christmas card stuffed with seven 2014 Topps arrived today from= Kevin Martens. Thanks so much, Kevin! Thanks, OBC! Randy Griffin ================= To: "uv" Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 05:41:43 -0600 Subject: Wednesday Thanks From: "ken goetsch" charset="iso-8859-1" Bob D'Angelo, for 2 great packages. Each containing Eagles, and Packers...= .........Thanks for thinking of me, Bob. Ken Goetsch ================= Date: 17 Dec 2014 06:35:56 -0800 To: Subject: Thanks to Kevin From: bdangelo@aol.com SGkgZ2FuZywNCiANCg0KIFRoYW5rcyBnbyB0byBLZXZpbiBNYXJ0ZW5zLCB3aG8gc2VuZHMg dGhyZWUgaGl0cyB0byBteSAyMDE0IFRvcHBzIFVwZGF0ZSBzZXQgdG8ga25vY2sgbXkgd2Fu dGxpc3QgZG93biB0byB0d28uIE1hbnkgdGhhbmtzIQ0KIA0KDQogDQoNCiANCiBCb2INCiAN Cg0K ================= Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 22:02:30 -0500 To: OBC UV Mailing List , Subject: 2004 Topps Cracker Jacks available From: Jimi Anyone collecting the 2004 Topps Cracker Jack set? I have a bunch of them,= so let me know what you need and I'll try and lend a hand. Thanks! Jimi Sent from my iPad ================= To: Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 20:31:13 -0600 Subject: Thanks, Ken From: "Randy Griffin" charset="iso-8859-1" Ken Goetsch sends a pair of 82 Topps football my way (Buchanon and Ronnie L= ott). Thanks so much, Ken! Thanks, OBC! Randy Griffin ================= To: OCTraders@yahoogroups.com, uvlist@yahoogroups.com, dugouttraders@yahoogroups.com Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 14:23:00 -0500 Subject: Insert here.. From: KEVINM38@aol.com Hi all, I send Bob D'Angelo like 4 regular set cards to help him, not expecting any= thing back and in the mail today I see a package from Bob and inside were 9 2014 Topps= Update Inserts, including a Jeter and a Harper.(Just amazing) Bob, Thank You so much for your generosity!! Happy Holidays, Kevin Martens ================= To: "uvlist@yahoogroups.com" Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 16:30:34 -0500 Subject: WELK From: Shawn Smart RANDY WELK - sends 3 1988 score Mets team sets. Thanks! = ================= Date: 20 Dec 2014 05:14:26 -0800 To: Subject: Gary sends a fiver From: bdangelo@aol.com SGkgZ2FuZywNCiANCg0KIFdlZWtlbmQgdGhhbmtzIGdvIHRvIEdhcnkgTWFuZGVsbCwgd2hv IHNlbmRzIGZpdmUgZGlmZmVyZW50IGVudmVsb3BlcyBhbmQgZWZmZWN0aXZlbHkgcG9saXNo ZXMgb2ZmIG15IDIwMTQgVG9wcHMgVXBkYXRlIGJhc2Ugc2V0LiBJJ2xsIGhhdmUgdG8gcG9z dCB0aGUgaW5zZXJ0cyBub3cuDQogDQoNCiBNYW55IHRoYW5rcyENCiANCg0KIA0KIEJvYg0K IA0KDQo= ================= Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:59:30 -0600 To: "uvlist@yahoogroups.com" Subject: Clemens figure for trade From: MarkZ charset=us-ascii Houston uniform from 04 Unopened in original package Looking to trade for cards, either want list hits or trade bait in baseball= any era Thanks for looking Mark Zentkovich ================= Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 18:23:44 +0000 (UTC) To: UV List Subject: Thanks Randy and Aaron From: Dan Angland Aaron Shirley for a starter set of 27 cards from 1984 Ralston Purina set, o= nly 5 to go! Thanks.Randy Welkfor two Met teamsets = from the 1988 Score set. Included were all the 86 championship guys.= Have an OBC weekend!Dan Angland ================= Date: 20 Dec 2014 19:43:15 -0800 To: Subject: Announcing a set kill! From: directorth@aol.com TXkgMTk4OSBVb29lciBEZWNrIHNldCBoYWQgYmVlbiBob2xkaW5nIGF0IGp1c3QgMSBjYXJk IC0gdGhlIEdyaWZmZXkgUkMgLSBmb3IgcXVpdGUgc29tZSB0aW1lLiBUb2RheSBJIHB1bGxl ZCB0aGUgdHJpZ2dlciBhdCBhIGxvY2FsIHNob3cgJiBwaWNrZWQgdXAgdGhlIHNldC1raWxs ZXIuIEZpcnN0IFVWIHNldCBJJ3ZlIG1hbmFnZWQgdG8ga2lsbCBpbiBhIHdoaWxlLCBhbmQg aXQgZG9lcyBmZWVsIGdvb2QgdG8gYmUgZmluaXNoZWQgd2l0aCBpdCAob2YgY291cnNlIG5v dyBJIGhhdmUgdG8gc2VlIGlmIEkgaGF2ZSBhbGwgb2YgdGhlIHZhcmlhdGlvbnMhKQ0KIA0K DQogSSdtIG5vdCByZWFsbHkgd29ya2luZyBvbiB2ZXJ5IG1hbnkgMTk4MCdzIHNldHMgYW55 IG1vcmUsIGJ1dCBteSAnODUgRG9ucnVzcyBzZXQgaXMgZ2V0dGluZyBwcmV0dHkgY2xvc2Ug LSBqdXN0IDcgZm9yIHRoZSBiYXNlIHNldCAmIDQgdmFyaWF0aW9ucy4gSSBuZWVkIHRoZSBm b2xsb3dpbmcsIGluIGNhc2UgYW55b25lIGhhcyBzb21lIGV4dHJhcyB0YWtpbmcgdXAgc3Bh Y2U6DQogMDA3IChNYXR0aW5nbHkgREspIA0KIDAzOSAoRHVuc3RvbikgDQogMTkwIChHb29k ZW4pIA0KIDI1NCAoUm9zZSkgDQogMjczIChDbGVtZW5zKSANCiAyOTUgKE1hdHRpbmdseSkg DQogNDM4IChQdWNrZXR0KSANCiANCiANCiBWYXJpYXRpb25zOiAgDQogNDI0YiAocmlnaHR5 IFNlYXZlciwgY29ycmVjdCBwaG90bykNCiA1MzRiICjigJxUZXJyeeKAnSBQZW5kbGV0b24g b24gZnJvbnQg4oCTIG5vdCDigJxKZWZm4oCdIFBlbmRsZXRvbikNCiA2NDBiIChsYXN0IGxp bmUgb2YgaGlnaGxpZ2h0cyBiZWdpbnMgIlNwZW50IHNvbWUuLi4iICkNCiANCiA2NTFiICh3 aGl0ZSBsZXR0ZXJzKQ0KIA0KDQogVG9tIEhvdXNsZXkNCg== ================= Date: 20 Dec 2014 19:44:24 -0800 To: Subject: UV thanks to DILLON, DOMINO, LYONS, VALACAK, more From: uthminsta@hotmail.com TUlLRSBESUxMT04gc2VudCBteSBmaXJzdCB0aHJlZSBjYXJkcyBmcm9tIHRoZSAxOTgzIERy YWtlJ3Mgc2V0LCBpbmNsdWRpbmcgYSBwZXJzb25hbCBmYXZvcml0ZSwgQm9iIEhvcm5lci4g VGhlc2UgRHJha2VzIGhhdmUgcGlxdWVkIG15IGludGVyZXN0IGxhdGVseS4gVGhhbmtzIE1p a2UsIGZvciB0aGUgc3RhcnQhDQoNCiANCg0KIFNBTCBET01JTk8ncyBwYWNrYWdlIG9mIFRv cHBzIEdpYW50IGhhZCBhIDE5ODggVG9wcHMgQ29pbiBvZiBEYXJyeWwgU3RyYXdiZXJyeS4g VGhhbmtzLCBTYWwhDQoNCiANCg0KIFJJQ0sgTFlPTlMgc2VudCB0d28gZW52ZWxvcGVzLCBl YWNoIGNvbnRhaW5pbmcgbmluZSBjYXJkcyBmcm9tIDE5ODIgRG9ucnVzcy4gVGhhbmtzIGZv ciBjb250aW51aW5nIHRoZSBlYXJseSBEb25ydXNzIGhpdHMsIFJpY2shDQoNClQuSi4gVkFM QUNBSyBzZW50IGVpZ2h0ZWVuIHVuLXNlcGFyYXRlZCBwYW5lbHMgb2YgMTk4MSBUb3BwcyBT Y3JhdGNoLW9mZnMsIGFsbCBmcm9tIHRoZSBncmVlbiBOYXRpb25hbCBMZWFndWUgaGFsZiBv ZiB0aGUgc2V0ISBMb3R0YSBIT0ZlcnMgaW4gaGVyZS4gVGhhbmtzLCBULkouIQ0KDQogDQoN CiBBbHNvLCBJIHdhcyBhdCBhIENocmlzdG1hcyBwYXJ0eSB3aXRoIGZyaWVuZHMgdG9uaWdo dCwgYW5kIGdvdCBteSBmaXJzdCAocHJvYmFibHkgb25seSkgcGFjayBvZiAyMDE0IFRvcHBz IFVwZGF0ZS4gTm90aGluZyBhc3RvdW5kaW5nIGluIHRoZSBwYWNrLCBidXQgYXQgbGVhc3Qg SSBoYXZlIGZyaWVuZHMgd2hvIGdldCBtZSBjYXJkcyENCiANCg0KIFRoYW5rcyBPQkMNCiBB YXJvbiBTaGlybGV5DQoNCg== ================= Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 04:06:21 +0000 (UTC) To: UV List Subject: Thanks to Rich Niessen From: Lynn Miller In my visit with Rich today one of the gifts was an addition to the Hank co= llection from the 2014 Topps Stadium Club set. Thanks Rich. OBC= is the Greatest, Lynn ================= Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 12:03:36 -0600 To: "uvlist@yahoogroups.com" Subject: 1990 mike schmidt night phillies program From: MarkZ I have one for sale on comc.com If anyone is interested, I can send you a link. Thanks, Mark Zentkovich Sent from mark z ipod ================= Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 16:23:48 -0500 To: OBC UV Mailing List Subject: Sneak attack from Sean! From: Jimi SEAN McGOWAN surprises me with a 1991 Topps wax pack for my pack collection= along with some older cards as well. Great work, man! Jimi Sent from my iPad ================= Date: 22 Dec 2014 19:48:51 -0800 To: Subject: JIMI THAYER slays my 2004 Cracker Jacks! From: uthminsta@hotmail.com SmltaSBUaGF5ZXIgc2VudCA0MDArIG9mIHRoZSAyMDA0IENyYWNrZXIgSmFjayBjYXJkcywg d2l0aCBvdmVyIGEgaHVuZHJlZCBlYWNoIG9mIHRoZSBiYXNlIGNhcmRzLCBtaW5pcywgYW5k IG1pbmkgc3RpY2tlcnMhIE11Y2ggdGhhbmtzIHRvIHlvdSwgSmltaSEgDQoNCiANCg0KIFRo YXQgYWN0dWFsbHkgbWFkZSB0aGlzIHNldCdzIHdhbnRsaXN0IG11Y2ggTE9OR0VSLCBiZWNh dXNlIHRoZSB0aHJlZSBsaXN0cyBhcmUgbm93IGNvbXBsZXRlbHkgc2VwYXJhdGUuIEFsdGhv dWdoIHRoZSBpbnNlcnRzIGFyZSBuZXZlciBhIGhpZ2ggcHJpb3JpdHkgZm9yIG1lLCBJIHRo b3VnaHQgaXQgb25seSByaWdodCB0byBob25vciBKaW1pJ3MgZ2VuZXJvc2l0eSBieSBsZXR0 aW5nIHRoZSB3YW50bGlzdCByZWZsZWN0IHRoZSBodW1vbmdvdXMgcHJvZ3Jlc3M6DQogDQoN CiAyMDA0IFRPUFBTIENSQUNLRVIgSkFDSzogMSBbMyBQdWpvbHMgU3dpbmdpbmddIDEzIDE3 IDIwIFsyNSBUaG9tZSBGaWVsZGluZ10gMzUgNTAgNTEgWzU1IHNwZWxsZWQgSG9ibGl0emVs IG9uIGZyb250XSA2MCBbNjYgTGEgSm9pZSAobmFtZSBzcGVsbGVkIHdpdGggYSBzcGFjZSld ICBbODAgU09TQV0gIFs4NiBzcGVsbGVkIFNob3R0ZW4gb24gZnJvbnRdIDg3IDk0IFs5NSBT aGVmZmllbGQgWWFua2Vlc10gIFsxMDQgSkFDS1NPTl0gMTA4IDEwOSAxMjYgWzE0MCBTY2hp bGxpbmcgUmVkIFNveF0gMTQ1IDE2MyAxNjUgMTY2IDE2NyAxNzIgMTc1IDE3OSAxODIgMTg2 IDE5MiAxOTMgMTk1IDE5NiAxOTggMjAwIDIwNCAyMDYgMjA5IDIxMCAyMTEgMjE2IDIyMCBb MjI0IFJvZHJpZ3VleiBUaWdlcnNdIDIyNiBbMjI5IEdpYW1iaSBGaWVsZGluZ10gMjMyIDIz NSBbMjM2IFBPU0FEQV0gIFsyMzYgTkFWQVJST10gIFtOTk8gUm9kcmlndWV6XS4gTWlzc2lu ZyA0MSBiYXNlIGNhcmRzIHBsdXMgMTIgdmFyaWV0aWVzLg0KIA0KDQogTUlOSVM6IDEgMiBb MyBQdWpvbHMgU3dpbmdpbmddIDEwIDEzIDE0IDE1IDE3IDE5IDIwIDIxIFsyNSBUaG9tZSBC YXR0aW5nXSAgWzI1IFRob21lIEZpZWxkaW5nXSAyNiAzMCAzMSAzNCAzNSA0MSA0OSA1MCA1 MSA1NyA2MCA2MiA2NSA2OSA3NCBbODAgU09TQV0gIFs4MCBQSUVdIDgzIFs4NiBzcGVsbGVk IFNob3R0b24gb24gZnJvbnRdIDg3IFs5NSBTaGVmZmllbGQgWWFua2Vlc10gOTkgMTAwIDEw MSAxMDIgWzEwNCBKQUNLU09OXSAxMDggMTA5IDExMCAxMTIgMTIwIDEyMSAxMjMgMTI0IDEy NiAxMjcgMTM2IDEzOCBbMTQwIFNjaGlsbGluZyBSZWQgU294XSAxNDUgMTQ3IDE0OSAxNTUg MTU3IDE1OCAxNjMgMTY1IDE2NiAxNjcgMTcwIDE3MiAxNzUgMTc5IDE4MiAxODQgMTg2IDE5 MSAxOTIgMTkzIDE5NSAxOTYgMTk4IDIwMCAyMDIgMjA0IDIwNSAyMDYgMjA5IDIxMCAyMTEg MjE0IDIxNiAyMjAgMjIyIFsyMjQgUm9kcmlndWV6IFRpZ2Vyc10gMjI1IDIyNiAyMjcgWzIy OSBHaWFtYmkgUG9ydHJhaXRdICBbMjI5IEdpYW1iaSBGaWVsZGluZ10gMjMyIDIzMyBbMjM2 IFBPU0FEQV0gIFsyMzYgTkFWQVJST10gIFtOTk8gUm9kcmlndWV6XS4gTWlzc2luZyA5MCBt aW5pcyBhbmQgNyB2YXJpZXRpZXMuDQogDQoNCiBNSU5JIFNUSUNLRVJTOiAxIDIgWzMgUHVq b2xzIFBvcnRyYWl0XSAgWzMgUHVqb2xzIFN3aW5naW5nXSA5IDEzIDE3IDIwIFsyNSBUaG9t ZSBGaWVsZGluZ10gMzIgMzUgNDIgNDUgNTAgNTEgWzU1IHNwZWxsZWQgSG9ibGl0emVsIG9u IGZyb250XSA1OCA2MCA2MSA2MiA2NCBbNjYgTGEgSm9pZSAobmFtZSBzcGVsbGVkIHdpdGgg YSBzcGFjZSldIDcxIDc1IDc5IFs4MCBTT1NBXSAgWzgwIFBJRV0gIDg0IFs4NiBzcGVsbGVk IFNob3R0b24gb24gZnJvbnRdIDg3IFs5NSBTaGVmZmllbGQgWWFua2Vlc10gOTkgMTAwIFsx MDQgSkFDS1NPTl0gMTA4IDEwOSAxMTAgMTExIDEyNCAxMjYgMTI4IDEzOCBbMTQwIFNjaGls bGluZyBSZWQgU294XSAxNDUgMTU1IDE1NiAxNTggMTYyIDE2MyAxNjUgMTY2IDE2NyAxNjgg MTcwIDE3MiAxNzMgMTc1IDE3OSAxODAgMTgyIDE4NCAxODYgMTkwIDE5MSAxOTIgMTkzIDE5 NSAxOTYgMTk3IDE5OCAxOTkgMjAwIDIwMiAyMDMgMjA0IDIwNSAyMDYgMjA4IDIwOSAyMTAg MjExIDIxNCAyMTYgMjIwIDIyMyBbMjI0IFJvZHJpZ3VleiBUaWdlcnNdIDIyNiAyMjggWzIy OSBHaWFtYmkgRmllbGRpbmddIDIzMiAyMzQgWzIzNiBQT1NBREFdICBbMjM2IE5BVkFSUk9d IDIzNyBbTk5PIFJvZHJpZ3Vlel0uIE1pc3NpbmcgODIgc3RpY2tlcnMgcGx1cyAxMiB2YXJp ZXRpZXMuIFRoYW5rcyB0byBKaW1pIFRoYXllciBmb3IgNDAwKyBvZiB0aGUgYmFzZSwgbWlu aXMsIGFuZCBzdGlja2VycyENCg0KDQpUaGFua3MgZm9yIHJlYWRpbmcgdGhpcyBmYXIhIE9C QyBmb3JldmVyLg0KQWFyb24gU2hpcmxleQ== ================= Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 19:50:27 -0500 To: uvlist@yahoogroups.com Subject: topps 2014 update jumbo box available From: smartalecx@aol.com looking to trade for a football jumbo box or even a complete 2014 topps football set (regular, no inserts necessary) or would consider a sale if all else fails plmk thanks Gary Mandell P.O. Box 180333 Chicago, IL 60618-0676 Member: OBC, OCT, DT, TB ================= Date: 23 Dec 2014 21:25:41 -0800 To: Subject: Festivus thnaks From: mikesportsfan@aol.com U2FsIHNlbnQgbWUgYSBwYWNrYWdlIG92ZXIgYSB3ZWVrIGFnbyB3aXRoIGEgIGRvIG5vdCBv cGVuIHVudGlsIEZlc3RpdnVzLiAgQ29uc2lkZXJpbmcgd29yaywgZXRjLiwgaXQgd29ya2Vk IG91dCB3ZWxsIGFzIEkgb3BlbmVkIHRoZSBwYWNrYWdlIHRvZGF5LiAgQSBncmVhdCBzdGFy dCBvbiB0aGUgMTk5NSBDb25sb24gc2VyaWVzLiAgQWxtb3N0IDEvMiB0aGUgcnVuLCBpbmNs dWRpbmcgdGhlIFJ1dGguICBJdCBpcyB0aGUgbGFzdCBzZXJpZXMgb2YgQ29ubG9ucyBJIG5l ZWQsIHNvIHRoaXMgaXMgYSBiaWcgaGVscC4NCiBNaWtlIFJpY2gNCg== ================= Date: 24 Dec 2014 12:35:48 -0800 To: Subject: Thanks to Kevin From: bdangelo@aol.com SGkgZ2FuZywNCiANCg0KIENocmlzdG1hcyBFdmUgdGhhbmtzIGdvIHRvIEtldmluIE1hcnRl bnMsIHdobyBzZW5kcyBhIDIwMTQgQSZHIGNhcmQgb2YgQ2hyaXN0aWFuIFllbGljaCwgYSBw YWlyIG9mIGluc2VydHMsIGFuZCAxMCBjYXJkcyBmcm9tIHRoZSAyMDE0IEd5cHN5IFF1ZWVu IHNldC4NCiANCg0KIE1hbnkgdGhhbmtzLCBhbmQgTWVycnkgQ2hyaXN0bWFzIQ0KDQoNCiAN CiBCb2INCiANCg0K ================= Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 04:03:56 +0000 (UTC) To: "uvlist@yahoogroups.com" Subject: thanks to ed h From: mark zentkovich thanks toEd Hutchinson for nice big stack of 14 topps including many = stars like Jeter and Cespedes much appreciated! mark zentkovich ================= Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 12:38:11 -0500 To: uvlist@yahoogroups.com Subject: envelope from Randy W. From: RAN912@aol.com I received a Christmas Eve envelope from Randy Welk. Randy sent (1)1998 Bowman, (2)1992 Leaf Gold Edition, (2)1988 Panini Stickers, (1)1998 Topps Gold Label Class 3 Black Label, and (4) vintage cards. Great cards, Randy - thanks a bunch. Rich Niessen ================= Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 14:24:59 -0500 To: uvlist@yahoogroups.com Subject: cards from my Secret Santa From: RAN912@aol.com In addition to a great stack of vintage from my Secret Santa, Geordie Calvert, he sent me many UV cards including 2004 Bowman Heritage, 2002 Bowman Heritage, 2007 Bowman Heritage, and enough cards to complete my 2005 Heritage set. Much appreciated, Geordie. Rich Niessen ================= Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 23:14:03 -0600 To: "uvlist@yahoogroups.com" Subject: Santa thanks From: MarkZ Thanks to santa ray luurs for several nice shiny redskins from 14 panini pr= izm. Also included in the series were retired stars john riggins and art monk. Thanks ray for the hits, much appreciated! Mark Zentkovich Sent from mark z ipod ================= Date: 26 Dec 2014 13:51:02 -0800 To: Subject: A day-after Christmas gift from Dan Angland From: directorth@aol.com SSB3YW50IHRvIHRoYW5rIERBTiBBTkdMQU5EIGZvciBhIG5pY2UgcG9zdC0xOTgwIGhpdCB0 aGF0IGFycml2ZWQgdG9kYXksDQogDQoNCiBMYXN0IHdlZWsgSSBwb3N0ZWQgYSBtZXNzYWdl IGFib3V0IGtpbGxpbmcgb2ZmIHRoZSAnODkgVXBwZXIgRGVjayBzZXQsICYgbWVudGlvbmVk IHRoYXQgbXkgJzg1IERvbnJ1c3Mgc2V0IHdhcyBkb3duIHRvIHRoZSBmaW5hbCA3LiBEYW4g dG9vayB0aGUgdGltZSB0byBmaW5kIG9uZSBvbiBlQmF5ICYgaGFkIGl0IHNoaXBwZWQgZGly ZWN0bHkgdG8gbWUuIFNvLCBQZXRlIFJvc2UgKGluIGFuIEV4cG8gdW5pZm9ybSEpIGlzIHdh cm0gJiBzYWZlICYgYWJvdXQgdG8gam9pbiBoaXMgZmVsbG93IDI5LXllYXItb2xkIGNhcmRz IGZvciBhIENocmlzdG1hcyByZXVuaW9uLg0KIA0KDQogRGFuIC0gdGhhbmtzIFZFUlkgbXVj aCBmb3IgZ29pbmcgb3V0IG9mIHlvdXIgd2F5IHRvIGdldCBDaGFybGllIEh1c3RsZSBmb3Ig bWUhDQogDQoNCiBUb20gSG91c2xleQ0KIA0KDQo= ================= Date: 26 Dec 2014 16:51:51 -0800 To: Subject: dear daddy's friends From: uthminsta@hotmail.com Rm9yIENocmlzdG1hcyBJIGdvdCBmcm9tIG15IGRhZCA5IHBhY2tzIG9mIFJldHVybiBvZiB0 aGUgSmVkaSB0cmFkaW5nIGNhcmRzIGFuZCBJIGFtIGZvdXIgY2FyZHMgYXdheSBmcm9tIHRo ZSBXSE9MRSBzZXJpZXMhIEkgd29uZGVyZWQgaWYgYW55b25lIGhhZCB0aGVzZSBjYXJkcyB0 aGF0IEkgY291bGQgaGF2ZTogICAgICAgICAgIA0KIDE1NywxNTgsIDIxNCwgMjE2DQogVGhl c2UgYXJlIE1ZIGZpcnN0IGNhcmRzIGFuZCBteSBkYWQgd2FudHMgdG8gdGhhbmsgRWQgUGlr ZSBhZ2FpbiBmb3Igc2VuZGluZyB0aGVtLg0KIHRoYW5rcyBmb3IgbG9va2luZw0KIFJ1dGhp ZSBTaGlybGV5DQo= ================= Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 11:57:01 -0500 To: dugouttraders@yahoogroups.com, OBC-Ramblings@yahoogroups.com, Subject: 2014-15 Football Pool -- Final Call ! From: smartalecx@aol.com Content-Language: en Once again, I am going to be running an NFL playoff pool for all those interested. It is a very fun format where you always have one player acti= ve on each team in each game. We had 16 participants last year, and almost that many have signed up for this year's pool thus far! For those who have never played fantasy football, this may seem a bit complicated. But once you read how to pick a team, you will see it isn't = all that tough. And if your home town team is out of it, at least keeps the playoffs interesting! The entry fee is $1 to cover postage for sending the winners their prizes= plus a baseball or football card, preferably pre-1980 or a modern card of = a pre-80s player, with a current condition-adjusted value of about $10. Your entry fee plus card must be postmarked no later than this Friday, Jan= uary 2, 2015. The playoff schedule won't be finalized until tomorrow night (13 of the 16= games tomorrow have playoff implications going into the day), but if the playoffs were to start today, the lineup would look like this: AFC Week 1: 6 Chargers at 3 Bengals, 5 Steelers at 4 Colts, 1 Patriots and 2 Broncos BYE AFC Week 2: 1 Patriots at home vs. lowest seeded Week One winner, 2 Broncos at home vs. highest seeded Week One winner AFC Week 3: Week 2 winners at home of highest remaining seed NFC Week 1: 6 Cardinals at 3 Cowboys, 5 Packers at 4 Panthers, 1 Seahawks= and 2 Lions BYE NFC Week 2: 1 Seahawks at home vs. lowest seeded Week One winner, 2 Lions= at home vs. highest seeded Week One winner NFC Week 3: Week 2 winners at home of highest remaining seed Week 4: Super Bowl Next weekend (January 3-4) marks the start of our playoff pool. Here is how it works. Teams: Select a team of 12 players from the 12 teams in the playoffs. = Your team must have 1, and only 1 player from each team and you are allowe= d exactly 2 QB=E2=80=99s, 4 RB=E2=80=99s, 4 WR=E2=80=99s, 1 TE, and 1 K (ther= e are no defenses or special teams in the pool). In each game, every participant will have one= player going from each team. Rank your players 1 through 12, with 1 being the player you think will score the most points overall throughout the playoffs, and 12 being the pl= ayer you think will score the least points. These rankings are only used as a= tiebreaker between prize winners if necessary. Submit your roster to me like this: QB Dawson KC (4), QB Staubach DAL (2), RB Davis DEN (1), RB Warner SEA (12), etc., with the number in parenthesis being your personal ranking of the player. Deadline: Picks must be submitted to me via email (_smartalecx@aol.com_ (mailto:smartalecx@aol.com) ) no later than Saturday, January 3 at 8 AM Central Time. Once your team is submitted, it cannot be changed. Please = remember that your entry fee and card must be postmarked no later than Janu= ary 2. Scoring: Passing: Touchdown 4 points, Yardage 1 point for every 25 passing yards,= -2 points for an interception, - 2 points for a fumble Rushing and Receiving: Touchdown 6 points, Yardage 1 point for every 10 yards, 1 point for every catch, -2 points for a fumble Kicking: Field Goals: 1-39 yards 3 points, 40-49 yards 4 points, 50-59 yards 5 points, 60+ yards 7 points. Missed (including bad snap) or Blocke= d FG 1-39 yards -2 points, 40-49 yards -1 point. PATs 1 point, missed PAT= (for any reason unless a pass or run results in a conversion) -2 points There are NO points awarded for 2 point conversions or kick returns for = touchdowns Remember, four NFL teams will have 1st round byes, and could potentially play one less game than the other eight teams. The winner is determined b= y total points scored by their roster over the entire playoff season (four = weekends). Tie Breaker: Since there is a possibility that more than one team can have the exact same players and/or total score, ties will be broken by the= total points of the player with the # 1 ranking from each entry. If still= tied, than # 2 will be used and so on until the tie is broken. Prizes (subject to change based on number of entries): Overall winner will get 75% of the cards, 2nd place gets 25%. (with such a high number of= entries last year, the top four finishers received a prize) = I hope to have rosters/rankings out before kickoff of the first game on Saturday, especially if I get your rosters early. Weekly results will be= sent out as an Excel spreadsheet attachment in an email, usually on Monday= before noon. Please let me know if you have any questions BEFORE the roster deadline.= Remember, your entry fee must be postmarked no later than 11:59 PM on Friday, January 2, and your picks must be submitted to me via email (_smartalecx@aol.com_ (mailto:smartalecx@aol.com) ) no later than Saturday,= January 3 at 8 AM CST. And for those who have already agreed to play, please get your entries in.= I only have one so far. Looking forward to the pool, and a Happy Holiday season to you and your = families! Gary Mandell P.O. Box 180333 Chicago, IL 60618-0676 Member: OBC, OCT, DT, TB ================= To: "uv" Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 08:22:50 -0600 Subject: Sunday Thanks From: "ken goetsch" charset="iso-8859-1" Go out to; Anthony Arbeeny, for my first cards to my newly listed MASH non sport set w= ants....Thanks for looking and making the first hits to that set. Ken Goetsch ================= Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 08:41:04 -0800 To: UV Subject: Thanks go out to TJ From: Stamper for a mix of 93 and 94 Topps Gold and some 94 UD. Thanks TJ John Stamper ================= Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 15:04:08 -0500 To: uvlist@yahoogroups.com Subject: Bring out the bubble machine! From: ChicoD1@aol.com Randy Welk (maybe a distant relative of Lawrence Welk?), hits me with some NICE additions to the Met collection including a Strawberry popup and a Smokey Bear promo card with Roger McDowell! Thanks loads Randy, it's nice to get some hits to that list! Sal Domino OBC - 1992 ================= Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 02:35:39 +0000 (UTC) To: "uvlist@yahoogroups.com" Subject: new uv commons site discovered From: mark zentkovich some of you may be familiar with, but I had never heard of them before this month.. www.justcommons.com mostly uv stuff, some vintage but sparse free shipping for orders 10.00 or more I did an order and received it in good order I got some 61, 82, 85, 02-06, and 14 stuff took about a week to ship, but I am ok with slower turnaround as long as prices are good. you can do smaller order and pay 2.50 postage, but found enough stuff to cover the 10. just for grins, I did same order on sportlots (had to do several sellers to get same stock) and I would have paid 25.00 for same group of cards fyi, you may want to check it out mark zentkovich ================= Date: 29 Dec 2014 06:28:04 -0800 To: Subject: Thanks Randy! From: james_moleta@hotmail.com VGhhbmtzIHRvIFJBTkRZIFdFTEsgZm9yIGRyb3BwaW5nIDMgaGl0cyBvbiBteSA4MVQgZm9v dGJhbGwgc2V0IGFuZCAxMSBtb3JlIG9uIG15IDgyVCBxdWVzdCEgMTk4MiB3YXMgdGhlIGZp cnN0IHllYXIgSSBib3VnaHQgY2FyZHMsIHNvIGRvaW5nIHRoaXMgc2V0IGFnYWluIDMyIHll YXJzIGxhdGVyIGlzIGZ1biwgbm9zdGFsZ2ljLi4uYW5kIG1ha2luZyBtZSBmZWVsIHByZXR0 eSBkYXJuIG9sZCEgOikNCiANCg0KIEkgYXBwcmVjaWF0ZSB0aGUgaGl0cywgUmFuZHkhIA0K IA0KDQogSmFtZXMNCiANCg0KIFBTIEkgaGFkIHBsYW5uZWQgdG8gdGhhbmsgQWFyb24gUyBm b3Igc29tZSBoaXRzIGFzIHdlbGwsIGJ1dCBJIGxlYXJuZWQgdGhhdCBJIGhhZCB0aGFua2Vk IGhpbSBhbHJlYWR5IGFuZCBoYWQganVzdCBmb3Jnb3R0ZW4gdG8gcHV0IHRoZSBoaXRzIGF3 YXkhDQo= ================= To: Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 10:02:56 -0500 Subject: THanks for the Phils Randy! From: "Matt Yudt" ------=_NextPart_000_001C_01D0234E.9F2DE230 charset="US-ASCII" Randy Welk sends a few 'almost vintage' (AV?) Phillies 80's fleer cards along with one from earlier and one later. So where did the term 'UV' come from? And I get that it refers to the shinyness? When I first joined I thought it could mean "Un-Vintage" cards. haha. Thanks Randy! Matt Yudt ------=_NextPart_000_001C_01D0234E.9F2DE230 charset="US-ASCII"

Randy Welk sends a few ‘almost vintage’ (AV?= ) Phillies 80’s fleer cards along with one from earlier and one later.


So where did the term ‘UV’ come from?  = And I get that it refers to the shinyness?  When I first joined I thought = it could mean “Un-Vintage” cards… haha. 


Thanks Randy!


Matt Yudt



------=_NextPart_000_001C_01D0234E.9F2DE230-- ================= To: tradingbases@yahoogroups.com, vct@lists.vintagecardtraders.com, Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 19:41:26 -0500 Subject: 2014 Bowman Chrome Needs From: KEVINM38@aol.com Hi all, I wasn't going to do this set this year and then I received a few boxes for= Christmas and so guess what..smile As I was opening packs I did start to like this set so it all worked out. But, after 2 Jumbo boxes and a few packs I still need a ton of help Here is what I need 2014 Bowman Chrome: Updated 12/26/14 3,5,7,9,10,13,18,20,21,23,26,30,32,33,35,42, 44,45,47,50,51,53,56,58,59,61,62,63,65,67, 68,69,70,74,75,76,78,79.83,84,85,87,88,91, 94,96,97,100,104,106,108,109,111,114,115, 117,118,124,127,129,132,133,135,136,142, 144,145,147,148,151.152,153,156,158,159, 161,163,167,168,170,174,175,176,178,179, 182,183,184,185,187,188,191,194,196,197, 200,201,208,210,212,215,220 2014 Bowman Chrome 1989 =E2=80=9C Bowman is Back=E2=80=9D Silver Diamond Re= fractor: Updated 12/26/14 BIB89-CS Chris Sale Chicago White Sox BIB89-FT Frank Thomas Chicago White Sox BIB89-JF Jose Fernandez Miami Marlins BIB89-KC Kyle Crick San Francisco Giants BIB89-MC Miguel Cabrera Detroit Tigers BIB89-MP Mike Piazza Los Angeles Dodgers BIB89-MR Mariano Rivera New York Yankees BIB89-MT Masahiro Tanaka New York Yankees BIB89-SG Sonny Gray Oakland Athletics BIB89-SS Shae Simmons Atlanta Braves BIB89-SST Stephen Strasburg Washington Nation 2014 Bowman Chrome Dueling Die Cuts: Updated 12/24/14 DDC-AG Jonathan Gray Colorado Rockies/ DDC-AG Mark Appel Houston Astros DDC-AV Vincent Velasquez Houston Astros/ DDC-AV Jorge Alfaro Texas Rangers DDC-BS Aaron Sanchez Toronto Blue Jays / DDC-BS Mookie Betts Boston Red Sox DDC-CC Garin Cecchini Boston Red Sox / DDC-CC Gavin Cecchini New York Mets DDC-GN Lucas Giolito Washington Nationals / DDC-GN Brandon Nimmo New York M= ets DDC-HS Andrew Heaney Miami Marlins / DDC-HS Noah Syndergaard New York Mets DDC-LM Raul Mondesi Kansas City Royals /DDC-LM Francisco Lindor Cleveland I= ndians DDC-MC Kyle Crick San Francisco Giants / DDC-MC Billy McKinney Oakland Athl= etics DDC-MF Clint Frazier Cleveland Indians / DDC-MF Austin Meadows Pittsburgh P= irates DDC-MFR Rafael Montero New York Mets /DDC-MFR Maikel Franco Philadelphia Ph= illies DDC-OS Gary Sanchez New York Yankees / DDC-OS Henry Owens Boston Red Sox DDC-UR Julio Urias Los Angeles Dodgers / DDC-UR Hunter Renfroe San Diego Pa= dres DDC-VC Nick Castellanos Detroit Tigers /DDC-VC Yordano Ventura Kansas City = Royals DDC-WP Joc Pederson Los Angeles Dodgers / DDC-WP Matt Wisler San Diego Padr= es DDC-ZM Kyle Zimmer Kansas City Royals / DDC-ZM Alex Meyer Minnesota Twins 2014 Bowman Chrome Fire Die-Cut Refractors: Updated 12/21/14 FDC-AB,AH,AR,BB,CC,CO,FL,GP,GS,KB,MA,MD, MF,MT,MTR,NS,OT,TD,TW,XB,YB

2014 Bowman Chrome Minis: Updated 12/26/14 MC-AB Archie Bradley Arizona Diamondbacks MC-AG Alex Guerrero Los Angeles Dodgers MC-AR Addison Russell Oakland Athletics MC-BH Bryce Harper Washington Nationals MC-BHA Billy Hamilton Cincinnati Reds MC-CC Carlos Correa Houston Astros MC-CE C.J. Edwards Chicago Cubs MC-CK Clayton Kershaw Los Angeles Dodgers MC-CS Chris Sale Chicago White Sox MC-CY Christian Yelich Miami Marlins MC-FF Freddie Freeman Atlanta Braves MC-FL Francisco Lindor Cleveland Indians MC-GC Gerrit Cole Pittsburgh Pirates MC-GP Gregory Polanco Pittsburgh Pirates MC-GS George Springer Houston Astros MC-GST Giancarlo Stanton Miami Marlins MC-HR Hyun-Jin Ryu Los Angeles Dodgers MC-JA Jose Abreu Chicago White Sox MC-JB Javier Baez Chicago Cubs MC-JF Jose Fernandez Miami Marlins MC-JG Jonathan Gray Colorado Rockies MC-JS Jorge Soler Chicago Cubs MC-JU Julio Urias Los Angeles Dodgers MC-KB Kris Bryant Chicago Cubs MC-KZ Kyle Zimmer Kansas City Royals MC-MB Madison Bumgarner San Francisco Giants MC-MF Maikel Franco Philadelphia Phillies MC-MT Mike Trout Angels MC-MTA Masahiro Tanaka New York Yankees MC-MW Michael Wacha St. Louis Cardinals MC-NC Nick Castellanos Detroit Tigers MC-NS Noah Syndergaard New York Mets MC-PG Paul Goldschmidt Arizona Diamondbacks MC-WM Wil Myers Tampa Bay Rays MC-XB Xander Bogaerts Boston Red Sox MC-YD Yu Darvish Texas Rangers MC-YP Yasiel Puig Los Angeles Dodgers MC-YV Yordano Ventura Kansas City Royals I do have dupes in case you need any. I hope we can help each other out Wishing Everyone and Happy and Healthy New Year Kevin Martens ================= To: tradingbases@yahoogroups.com, OCTraders@yahoogroups.com, Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:16:38 -0500 Subject: Does anyone need 2012 Topps A&G? From: KEVINM38@aol.com Hi all, I just updated my Dupe list for this set so I figure I would put the list o= ut there in case anyone needs any help with this set. Topps Allen &Ginter: Updated 12/26/14 4, 5, 10,11, 12(2), 15, 19, 20, 21, 26, 28, 30, 34(2), 36,41, 43(2), 44, 58, 61(2), 63, 67(2), 69(2), 71,73, 80, 82, 87, 93, 96(2), 97, 101, 108, 113,129, 131(2), 142, 145, 149, 150, 151(2), 157,160, 178(2), 179, 185, 199, 201, 206, 216,218, 219, 220, 224, 230(3), 234, 251, 256(2),261 262, 268(2), 270, 271(4), 278, 280(4),282(3), 286(2), 287(3), 290, 296, 301, 302,303, 304, 305, 306, 308(2), 309, 310, 312(3), 313,314, 315(2), 316, 317, 318(3), 319, 320, 321,322, 323(2), 326, 327, 328(3), 329(2), 330, 331,332, 333, 334, 335, 336(2), 337, 338, 339, 340,341, 342, 343, 344, 347(2), 348, 350(3) Baseball Highlights: Updated12/30/14 BH-6, 11,12, 22, Culinary Curiosities: Updated12/30/14 CC6 Ever Wonder: Updated 12/30/14 Dodgers,TampaBay, Historical Turning Points: Updated 12/30/14 HTP1, 2,4, 6, 7, 9, 11(2), 17, 19, Man=E2=80=99s Best Friend: Updated 12/30/14 MBF1 Minis: Updated 12/30/14/14 89, 102, 103,157, 199, 207, 237, 305, 316 Minis Gold: Updated 12/30/14 132, 167,232, Minis A&G back: Updated 12/30/14 44, 47, 179,213, 283, 294 Musical Masters: Updated 12/30/14 MM-7 Murder in Willow Cove: Updated 12/30/14 BruceKlugman, Max Mann People of the Bible: Updated12/30/14 PB-5 What=E2=80=99s in a Name: Updated 12/30/14 WIN6, 11,17, 18, 40, 57(3), 62(2), 64, 78, 83, 89, 92,93 World=E2=80=99s Tallest Buildings: Updated 12/31/14 WTB2, 3(2),4, 5, 6, 7(3), 9(2) Wishing everyone and Happy and Healthy New Year Kevin Martens ================= To: "uvlist@yahoogroups.com" Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 20:46:59 -0500 Subject: end of the year dupe box clean out From: Shawn Smart claim away!!! UPDATED 12/30/14. 1979 Topps - 107, 196, 359, 410, 461, 511, 516, 538, 671, 683, 684, 686, 69= 1, 701, 704 1981 Topps - 9, 11, 15, 22, 27, 28, 31, 38, 42, 45, 49, 51, 54, 58, 60, 62,= 63, 70, 76, 82, 84, 93, 109, 138, 151, 154, 158, 160, 162, 163, 165, 166, = 168, 170, 171, 226, 241, 290, 414, 472, 519, 537, 654, 709. MODERN DAY BASEBALL TOPPS 1981 TOPPS - 9, 11, 15, 22, 27, 28, 31, 38, 42, 45, 49, 51, 54, 58, 60, 62,= 63, 70, 76, 82, 84, 93, 109, 138, 151, 154, 158, 160, 162, 163, 165, 166, = 168, 170, 171, 226, 241, 290, 414, 472, 519, 537, 654, 709. 1996 TOPPS FI= NEST - #55 BONES, #167 LARKIN, #223 BARTEE1997 TOPPS FINEST #177 YOUNG200= 0 TOPPS #471 BAINES RBI2006 TOPPS ROOKIE OF THE WEEK #8 ROBINSON 2006 TOPPS= CO-SIGNERS - #10 - JEFF KENT2007 TOPPS #252 GIBBONS 2011 TOPPS FINEST - #5= 5 JOE MAUER 1994 STADIUM CLUB - TONS - SEND YOUR LIST1999 STADIUM CLUB #287 CIRILLO MINOR LEAGUES 1994 CLASSIC #102 RUFFCORN1995 UPPER DECK MINORS #130, 139, 140, 151, 169, = 198, 199, 2012001 JUST 2K1 TOP PROSPECT PROMO #12 HILL2007 TRISTAR PRO DEBU= T #49, 50, 51. 2007 TRISTAR PROSPECTS PLUS #80 RASMUS FLEER/ULTRA 1994 ULTRA - #19, 53, 87, 97, 103, 132, 266, 267, 308, 320, 340, 341, 342, = 351, 354, 355, 373, 374, 410, 411, 412, 419, 429, 430, 435, 524, 533, 534, = 591, 592, 600 1995 FLEER - #586 PHILLIPS1997 FLEER - 98, 126, 239, 2881997 METAL UNIVERSE= - #110, 16797/98 FLEER MILLION DOLLAR MOMENTS #22 WILLIAMS1999 FLEER TRADI= TION #217 WAGNER 2000 FLEER TRADITION UPDATE - #U45 2000 FLEER TRADITION WH= O TO WATCH - #2 RILEY2000 FLEER IMPACT #76, 77, 812000 FLEER GAMERS #56 SEX= SON2001 FLEER PLATINUM #161 CASEY2001 FLEER FOCUS #182 DYE2001 FLEER GENUIN= E #12 ZITO, 31 MANNY2002 FLEER BOX SCORE #49 KOCH 2003 FLEER FLAIR GREATS O= F THE GAME #18 BOUDREAU2007 FLEER ULTRA #3 CONOR JACKSON DONRUSS/LEAF 1982 DONRUSS #346, 534, 556, 6261993 MCDONALDS DONRUSS EXPOS - #9 HILL1997= DONRUSS - #370, 3901997 DONRUSS ELITE - #54 FIELDER 1997 DONRUSS LIMITED = - #51 BELLE/GREEN1997 DONRUSS UPDATE FANTASY TEAM - #15 JARET WRIGHT1998 D= ONRUSS ELITE - #136 MANNY RAMIREZ1998 DONRUSS UPDATE SONY MLB 99 - #20 JOS= E CRUZ JR.2002 DONRUSS - #51 KERRY WOOD2003 DONRUSS DIAMOND KINGS - #79 M= ARK GRACE2004 DONRUSS - #165 DURAZO2004 DONRUSS STUDIO STARS - #36 TEXIEI= RA2005 DONRUSS LUMBER AND LEATHER - #73 JOSE VIDRO2008 DONRUSS ELITE EXTRA= EDITION - #82 ROLANDO GOMEZ2009 DONRUSS ELITE EXTRA EDITION - #49 BROCK = HOLT2014 DONRUSS - #101 CARLOS GONZALEZ 1993 LEAF - #32, 34, 37, 38, 43, 93, 97, 139, 141, 397, 398, 399, 400, 410,= 411, 412, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, #479 GALLAGHER, #503 BU= RNITZ, #525 BOGAR, #545 YOUNG1994 LEAF #180 BUECHELE1995 LEAF - #3 HUNDLEY BOWMAN 1993 BOWMAN - #430, 5281994 BOWMANS BEST - #37 CLEMENS1997 BOWMAN - #45 K= EVIN BROWN, #47 HENRY RODRIGUEZ1997 BOWMAN CHROME #129, 133 THOMSON, 233199= 7 BOWMANS BEST - #70 DELGADO1998 BOWMAN CHROME - #1971999 BOWMAN CHROME - = #67 FULLMER2001 BOWMAN CHROME - #15 VAZQUEZ2001 BOWMAN DRAFT PICKS AND PRO= SPECTS - #BDP39 MIKE RIVERA 2003 BOWMAN CHROME - #112 SABATHIA2003 BOWMAN = DRAFT PICKS AND PROSPECTS - #131 GOMEZ2004 BOWMAN DRAFT PICKS AND PROSPECTS= - #125 GARCIA2005 BOWMAN DRAFT PICS AND PROSPECTS - #163 PATTON2013 BOWMA= N - #33, 42, 87, 157, 1692013 BOWMAN PROSPECTS - #87, 94 UPPER DECK 1994 UPPER DECK - #35, 47, 61, 76, 98, 379, 472 1994 UPPER DECK ALL TIME HE= ROES - #123, 141, 149, 1591994 COLLECTORS CHOICE #80 CLAYTON, #148 GREGG JE= FFERIES1995 COLLECTORS CHOICE SILVER SIGNATURE - #107 DONNELS1996 COLLECTOR= S CHOICE - #37, 38, 39, 438, 4391997 UD #426 FLETCHER1997 COLLECTORS CHOIC= E - #72, 83, 102, 123, 142, 165, 182, 228, 3541998 COLLECTORS CHOICE #120 H= ELTON 1998 UD STARQUEST - #10 MARK MCGWIRE1999 UD - #47 ERICKSON1999 UD C= HOICE - #2, 9, 11, 17, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 37, 40, 45, 47, 51, 70, 75, 82,= 86, 88, 93, 95, 96, 102, 104, 107, 1202000 UD PROS AND PROSPECTS - #22, MU= SSINA, 57 DREW2004 UPPER DECK POWER UP - #27 BRET BOONE2005 UPPER DECK FIR= ST PITCH - #247, 261, 267, 2922007 UD - #725 LANE2007 UPPER DECK FIRST ED= ITION - #123 WANG2008 UPPER DECK GOUDEY #97 JAMES LONEY2008 UPPER DECK TIM= ELINE - #1 JOSE REYES2008 UD DOCUMENTARY - #4, 86, 540, 550, 633, 666, 81= 2, 822 2009 UPPER DECK - #633, 709 ,727, 736, 767, 858, 879, 928, 965, 991= 2009 UD FIRST EDITION - #157 ETHIER 179 MAUER, 200 AROD, 284 KINSLER, #297= MILLEDGE2010 UD - #46, 59, 67, 68, 70 KAWAKAMI, 81, 295, 296, 297 GALLARD= O, 302, 397, 426, 455. SCORE 1996 SCORE - #254, 264, 2651996 SCORE SELECT #167 GIBRALTER PINNACLE 1995 PINNACLE #103 LEO GOMEZ1996 PINNACLE ZENITH #9 FRYMAN1997 PINNACLE #69= MIKE FETTERS1997 PINNACLE XPRESS #124 YOUNG 1998 PINNACLE #10, 87, 88 136,= 1892013 PINNACLE #28 CAIN OTHER 1993 CLASSIC #T35 TRAVIS FRYMAN1994 TED WILLIAMS CARD CO #134 WAGNER 1995 D= ENNY'S CLASSIC HITS - #5 JASON BERE2000 PACIFIC PARAMOUNT #172 STAIRS FOOTBALL 1993 CLASSIC FOUR SPORT #136 LACHAPELLE1991 ACTION PACKED ROOKIE UPDATE #2 = TURNER1992 ALL WORLD #225 JOHNSON1995 UD COLLECTORS CHOICE CRASH THE GAME G= OLD #SB5 HUMPHRIES1991 UPPER DECK GAME BREAKER HOLOGRAMS #GB6 ANDERSON1999 = UPPER DECK MVP SILVER SCRIPT #292008 UPPER DECK #91 BOWE BASKETBALL 1998-99 SKYBOX PREMIUM #19 EWING1994-95 SKYBOX PREMIUM #220 DUMAS1993-94 FL= EER #85, 2331994-95 FLEER ULTRA #314 JOE KLEINE2001-02 FLEER SHOEBOX #60 BR= ENT BARRY1999-00 FLEER FOCUS #24 NASH2010-11 PANINI SEASON UPDATE #1 GLEN D= AVIS1991-92 NBA HOOPS #467 OLAJUWON, #590 CHECKLIST1993-94 NBA HOOPS #33 WI= LLIAMS1995-95 NBA HOOPS #323 TISDALE2000-01 TOPPS GALLERY #78 OLOWOKANDI200= 0-01 TOPPS TIP OFF #52 ANDERSON2000-01 TOPPS #255 ABDUR-RAHIM1995-96 TOPPS = #200, 213, 216, 219, 2221992-93 TOPPS #3161991-92 UD #159 BENJAMIN1992-93 U= D #76 CORCHIANI1993-94 UD #97 TONY BENNETT, 133 MCKEY, #246 MUTOMBO1999-00 = UD MVP THEATRE #M14 PIPPEN1999-00 UD HARDCOURT #56 STOCKTON2000-01 UD PROS = AND PROSPECTS #23, #302001-02 UD SLAM CENTER #SC1 KOBE BRYANT HOCKEY 1990-91 UPPER DECK #65 JON MORRIS1991 IMPEL #64 1980 US OLYMPIC HOCKEY TEAM= 1994-95 DONRUSS #232 GLEN WESLEY1999-00 BE A PLAYER MEMORABILIA #324 NILS E= KMAN1995-96 PARKHURST SE #SE210 DAN COUTIER, #SE243 MATTIAS OHLUND1994-95 P= ARKHURST SE #SE260 JAROME IGINLA1994-95 SCORE #127 CRAIG JANNEY1993-94 PINN= ACLE #315 BRET HEDICAN (X2)1994-95 PINNACLE RINK COLLECTION #478 BRETT LIND= ROS1995-96 SUMMIT #16 PAUL COFFEY, #56 ROMAN HAMRLIK, #197 VALERI BURE1994= CLASSIC PRO PROSPECTS #139 MCLEAN1993 CLASSIC #104 JEFF HEALTY1993-94 OPC = PREMIER #513 TIE DOMI1992-93 OPC JIM PAEK1993-94 STADIUM CLUB #447 PAT ELYN= UIK1991-92 BOWMAN #138 WOLANIN GOLF 2001 UD GOLF #42 LICKLITER, #121 NICKALUS WRESTLING 2013 TOPPS - 50, 75, 78, 83 ENTERTAINMENT 2009 GHOST WHISPERER #GC-10 =09=09=09=09=09 ================= To: "uv" Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 06:12:27 -0600 Subject: New years thanks From: "ken goetsch" charset="iso-8859-1" Go out to; Bob D'Angelo, for a nice group of Packers stars including an autograph card= of #1 pick this year Clinton Dix, love getting anything Packers.......Than= ks very much Bob. Mark Zentkovich, for a puffy filled with Brewers needs..always love getting= anything Brewers, thanks Mark. Ken Goetsch ================= To: Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 11:14:39 -0500 Subject: Auto, Karma, Lynn From: "Matt Yudt" ------=_NextPart_000_007C_01D024EA.F8752B80 charset="US-ASCII" I generally believe in Karma mostly as a mind-set, and that if you do well unto others it is more likely others will unto you, than if you are mostly greedy a-hole. Kind of the odds of the golden rule I presume. But this is a little freaky. A few days back I realized that another OBCer had declared a "HOMer" and that I had in my collection and autographed early 70's common of him that I was never sure how I even acquired in the first place. It was a dupe, and although interesting, surely would be better placed in said "HOMer" binder - so I sent it off. Well, yesterday I get a package from LYNN MILLER. In addition to over a dozen vintage were two UV Phillies hits, including an autographed Ricky Bottalico card. For those outside the Phillies market, Ricky does the post-game on Comcast sports-net and I think is pretty good at, so I get to see and hear him a lot. In fact, a few times this past year I would watch 20 min of post-game with him instead of the 2+ hour, usually dreadful, actual game the Phillies played. I think I've gotten 3 or 4 autographed cards in last 4+ years, so this is not at all common. Pretty freaky. Oh, the other UV was a Richie Ashburn card from the 1990 Ted Williams set. No Whitey auto, but Ted's is on the card:-) Thanks Lynn! Cheers Matt Yudt ------=_NextPart_000_007C_01D024EA.F8752B80 charset="US-ASCII"

I generally believe in Karma mostly as a mind-set, and t= hat if you do well unto others it is more likely others will unto you, than if = you are mostly greedy a-hole.  Kind of the odds of the golden rule I presume.  But this is a little freaky.  A few days back I realize= d that another OBCer had declared a “HOMer” and that I had in my collection and autographed early 70’s common of him that I was never = sure how I even acquired in the first place.  It was a dupe, and although interesting, surely would be better placed in said “HOMer” bind= er - so I sent it off.  Well, yesterday I get a package from LYNN MILLER. &= nbsp; In addition to over a dozen vintage were two UV Phillies hits, including an autographed Ricky Bottalico card.  For those outside the Phillies mark= et, Ricky does the post-game on Comcast sports-net and I think is pretty good a= t, so I get to see and hear him a lot.  In fact, a few times this past ye= ar I would watch 20 min of post-game with him instead of the 2+ hour, usually dreadful, actual game the Phillies played.  I think I’ve gotten = 3 or 4 autographed cards in last 4+ years, so this is not at all common.  P= retty freaky…


Oh, the other UV was a Richie Ashburn card from the 1990= Ted Williams set.  No Whitey auto, but Ted’s is on the cardJ


Thanks Lynn= !




Matt Yudt

------=_NextPart_000_007C_01D024EA.F8752B80-- ================= Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 20:42:01 +0000 (UTC) To: OBC UV Mailing List Subject: 15 cards needed for my daughter's '95 Studio set From: Jim Thayer Hey guys, Thanks to SAL DOMINO for starting a 1995 Studio set for my daughter, she on= ly needs 15 cards to complete it already: 5, 17, 28, 36, 40, 66, 94, 120, 125, 128, 164, 166, 170, 171, 199 Any help is certainly appreciated. She likes the credit card look to = them (dear Lord.....). :) She already has a complete Gold paral= lel set thanks to Don Roth (many of you know him) for completing it a coupl= e months ago. I believe there is a Platinum variation to the set, too= , so if any one has any to get her started, I'd love to surprise her with a= few hits. Thanks, OBC! Jimi ================= To: tradingbases@yahoogroups.com, OCTraders@yahoogroups.com, Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:27:22 -0500 Subject: Wishing Everyone and Their Family an Happy and Healthy New Year From: KEVINM38@aol.com Hi all, My Hope for the New Year for all is.. I hope what ever you are looking for you will find and find happiness in what ever you do. May 2015 be your best year ever Kevin Martens